Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sick House

My house is a sick house....
Christmas day Jordan, Tracy and the girls came to sty at our house for a week or so....and Tracy started it all... She was sick the day after, Carmen followed her, and now Evan and Jordan are sick... they rested all day yesterday but today they had to go to work. Evan is planning on going to play ice hockey tonight too.... he could be dying but he won't miss ice hockey!!! Plus he's got new equipment for Christmas and he is so excited to use it... he is such a kid!
We missed the "Mormons on ice" activity yesterday...and it would have been so fun for the kids...oh well...we'll do something fun for FHE to compensate! :D
Let's hope I don't get sick!

Mi casa esta llena de gente enferma!
El dia de Navidad JOrdan tracy y las ninnas vinieron a quedarse en mi casa por una semanita....y Tracy lo empezo todo. Le duro la enfermedad un dia, luego siguio Carmen, y ahora Evan y Jordan estan con el virus! Descansaron todo el dia de ayer pero hoy les ha tocado ir a trabajar...y esta noche Evan va a jugar al hockey sobre puede estar muriendo pero no se pierde su hockey. Ademas tiene nuevas codilleras y guantes q quiere estrenar.... como un ninno pequeno!
Ayer habia un aactividad de ir a patinar sobre hielo y nos la perdimos :( Los ninnos se lo habrian pasado genial...yo no porque soy una pato y no se patinar....y mi marido es una maquina y me hace quedar aun peor!
tendremos q hacer algo chulo en la Noche de hogar para compensar... pero esperemos q no caiga enferma yo!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Felices Fiestas!!!

La verdad es que hemos estado muy ocupados...pero hemos disfrutado mucho de estas Navidades!
Entre mi fiesta de cumpleanos, la fiesta de la empresa, la bendicion del nene, Nochebuena y Navidad....todo han sido celebraciones!
Este ha sido el primer anyo q hemos pasado la Nochebuena solitos. Empezamos la tarde yendo a cantar Villancicos a las casa de amigos. Luego volvimos a casa a cenar...Prime Rib Roast!!! q madre mia como me salio!!! Estaba buenisimo!Con pure de patatas , maiz, y zanahorias con mantequilla y azucar moreno... y de postre "Sex in a pan"... imaginaros como debe estar!
Luego nos fuimos a casa de mis suegros y su tradicion es q apagan las luces y se van pasando una vela y comparten su testimonio de Jesucristo y/o algun recuerdo de sus Navidades favoritas. Es un velada llena de espiritualidad.
De alli volvimos a casa y yo prepare los "stockins" ( q llenamos algun calcetin de caramelos, chocolates, frutos secos... y alguna q otra sorpresa) y a Evan todavia le faltaba envolver mis regalos.
Por la manana Carmen se desperto al primera y como siempre viene a nuestra habitacion a meterse en la cama con nosotros. Asi q alli le dimos su stocking. Una vez se desperto el nene fuimos al salon, a ver todos los regalos bajo el arbol.
Carmen estaba encantada...pero cuando termino de abrir todos sus regalos nosotros empezamos a abrir los nuestro se puso a llorar porque queria mas!!!
Yo no le compre nada especial a mi marido. Unas chaquetas chulisimas y unas camisas, camisetas, calcetines... todo muy chulo pero nada asi super interesante... El me compro tres camisas, una bata, un conjunto para hacer ejercicio ( una indirecta!!), un bolso.... y lo mejor.... un MP3 player! Con el nuevo album de Celine Dion "Taking Chances" q me encanta!!!
Luego mi cunada me regalo una camisa de tirantes, y mi otra cunada me regalounos zapatos muy chulos, yn chaleco blanco en plan cazadora.... y una camisa morada.
Nunca he recibido tantos regalos... me parecen mas porque se me han juntado con los de mi cumpleanos... Y me lo he pasado genial buscando cosas para mis ninos...los bebes y mi marido!:D
Por la tarde nos fuimos a cenar con toda la familia y pasamos la tarde jugando.
Ahora estamos mas relajados...hoy Evan ha ido a trabajar y manana tb le toca. Mi cunado Jordan, su mujer y dos hijas estan en mi casa hasta Ano nuevo asi q relajados pero super liados con tanto nino en mi casa!
Un besote para todas y q tengais una buena saalida y entrada de Ano!

Monday, December 24, 2007

BaBy BleSsinG!

Sunday was a special day. We had been fasting in preparations for the baby blessing. My adorable Evan Mikel was finally blessed. And it was on a beautiful Sacrament. We had both wards combined and it was the Christmas Program. A beautiful story of Christmas with beautiful music and songs.
Carmen saw the primary children go to the stand to sing and she went up there with them cute! She started singing along...mumbling the lyrics...
Next week will be her last Sunday in nursery...and I bet she will love Primary and being involved in all the singing!
One goes to Primary and 2 months after....the other goes to Nursery!!! I am baby free!!!
That will be nice... but then it is time to get pregnant again!! ( by the way I got my period!).
It is a scary time now, cos I feel I could have another baby already.... not that I want to but I could...
So we took some pictures after Church... not a good idea, cos I cried all throughout Church. First the blessing, then my class... then Relief Society... and then in the car telling Evan about how I felt ( plus it is that time of the month)... Then we get home and take You can tell I had been crying.
It was really hard to get pictures going... not very good ones...but still... just a reminder or this special this special Season.... and my special baby!
Por fin le dimos la bendicion a Evan!! Ayer, en la reunion combinada de los dos barrios. Tuvimos el mesaje de Naviodad con unos numeros musicales preciosos. Carmen se animo y tb subio al estrado con los ninos de la Primaria...y lo mejor es q empezo a canturrear con ellos!
La semana q viene es su ultima semana en la guarderia...y pasa a la Primaria!! Y dos meses despues tengo a Evan en la guarderia...asi q voy a estar libre de ninos!! Supongo q es hora de tener otro! es q quiera, pero ya me da un poco de miedo porque ya pienso q podria quedarme embarazada y si pasara no serian "malas noticias".( Pero no, no estoy embarazada... por fin me llego la "roja"... asi q por lo menos tengo otro mes!).
Cuando llegamos a casa nos tiramos un par de fotos... q agonia...por un para de fotos!! Asi q no son muy buenas...yo me pase todo el dia llorando y no salgo muy bien, pero en fin... el caso es tener fotos q pasen al recuerdo de este dia tan especial, en esta epoca tan especial, y de mi nino tan especial!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

ChRiStMaS PaRtY!

City Tile.... a company that gets some jobs for Evan's business invited us to their Christmas Party!!
I met the boss that day we went to the charity dinner... an invitation also provided by him. You can really see he is a good man.
He is son of Italians but born and raised in Canada.... but still he's got the Italian character!
So we had some more time to talk, get to know each other better. His wife and 2 daughters work in his company and were also there ...and were sooooo nice! Such kind, genuine people!! I loved it!

Fue la fiesta de Navidad de una empresa q les da trabajo de vez en cuando al negocio de Evan.
El jefe es Italiano y de lo mas bueno q te puedas encontrar...y su familia majisima!

The place ( the Tabu lounge at Blue Ginger) was really cool.... and I loved the music they played.
I had gone there for dinner once... and wasn't too impressed, but their sushi was sooooooooo good!!!

El sitio super chulo! La musica genial! Tenia q haber tirado foto a la comida...porque estaba todo buenisimo!!
Pero el sushi lo mejor!!

They had really yummy appetizers like asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, or prosciutto wrapped in mozzarella... some kind of fish rolls... I should have taken pictures of the food!!
All I wanted to eat was the sushi, really!! Really, really good!

He estado todo el dia de mal rollo ( no me ha venido la regla y me tenia q haber venido hace dos dias!) y estoy un poco hormonal!! Pero esta noche me lo he pasado genial!

So it was a nice evening... after being really cranky all day.... (I didn't get my period and I was supposed to get it 2 days ago) this really made my day.

Ok... Esta es Sara la hermana de Evan...q es peluquera y nos hace el pelo a toda la hace de oro con tantos hermanos!!
Despues de tantos annos y de hacer tantas cosas juntas...nos dimos cuenta q no teniamos ninguna foto de ella y yo solas!!!
POr cierto...ese es el conjunto de pendientes y collar q me regalo!!! super encanta!

B-Day PaRtY!!!

So... to celebrate I was 27 I invited a bunch of friends to join me for lunch at Gina's ( the Mexican Cafe in town).
Food was even better!

This is Deborah... I visit teach her... her husband just passed away a month ago... we've become really close (the beauties of the programs of the Church)... and she is lovely... she couldn't make it to the class so we got a picture together...

And then we all went to a dance studio. I got a Salsa instructor to give us an hour of Latin Dance class.

It was really fun... but by the end everybody was ready for a nap!!
I guess dancing is associated with having fun, not working out!
I enjoyed my salsa classes at the gym, but now I'll have to come to her studio if I want to continue.... I hope Evan wants to do it with me....but I don't think he'll be very I'll end up doing it on my own. I'm excited to do it. She has invited me to join her women's performing group... I really want to do it...but it is all a matter of time...and Evan staying home with the kids... so I don't know. was a good celebration...I got more presents that I was expecting...
an exercise ball...just what I wanted!
a cool zipper jacket
some Victoria's Secret them!
Josh Groban's Christmas album
bath salts
Christmas stories book
vanilla scented candle
set of earings and necklace...
I was actually expecting that was a nice surprise!
Happy Birthday to me! :)

Friday, December 21, 2007

27 YeArS OlD!!!

Tengo 27 annos.... no parece un mal numero... un poco demasiado cerca de los 30...
pero no esta mal. Como me dice un amigo de mi marido " Todavia me kedan por lo menos tres largos annos para los treinta".
Pues creiia q me iba a kedar en casa con los nenes mientras Evan se iba a tocar en un garito de Duncan con su grupo "UnDerCovEr". Tocan de todo.... no su musica. Pero me llamo del trabajo q habia conseguido q su hermana Laura nos cuidaba de los ninnos para q yo puediera ir.
Asi q me puse guapa y me fui con el.
El garito es un caca... no por el garito en si, o por la caca de "pueblo " donde esta...sino por la de cantidad de perdedores q asisten a el! Na...un par de borrachos y nada mas!
Pero bueno.... ya pronto se acabara esto...en cuanto consiga las pelas q necesita para su maqueta.
Pues os pongo un para de fotos para q veais . Irene conoce a


El es uno de los mejores amigos de Evan. Han tocado juntos desde los 15.... el es el mejor bateria q he oido nunca. Fue con beca y todo de lo bueno q es....y ademas esta bueno el chico.. ( preguntarle a Irene!:D)... a parte de majisimo!
Se animo y tb canto unas cuantas... mas q nada para darle un descanso a Evan.

Es el hermano de Evan. EL trecero de los 5 chicos. Tiene 35 annos, creo, esta divorciado con 4 hijos. Y canta muy bien...toca el piano genial... pero esta inactivo....Buuuuuuu!!!!! Con lo caballero q es....tiene una voz de bajo preciosa.... q desperdicio de hombre. Tania salio con el por un tiempo...y ella misma le dijo eso!!!!jajaja... La verdad...


El es el bajista....un poco timido... pero bueno, era la segunda vez q le veia.

Asi q este es el grupo.

Y yo la afortunada q me llevo al cantante a la cama!!! jajajaa

Monday, December 17, 2007

Singing Season

As you know I love singing...and it seems that the only time I get to sing is around this time... Christmas time!
Even though there is two people beside me in my Ward that play the piano... I always get to play... so I can't sing... but last Sunday I sang with Evan on Sacrament meeting. A beautiful song called
"When the Son of God was born" of Sally Deford. We also sang it for our Ward Christmas Dinner and also for the Nanaimo one.
Yesterday I sang in Sacrament again... this time I sang the one song that comes in the Ensign this month...also from Sally Deford:
"Guard Him, Joseph".

Me encanta cantar.... ya sabeis.... y parece ser q en Navida es cuando mas canto!
Hay dos pianistas mas en mi barrio pero siempre me toca a mi acompanar!
El domingo pasado cante con mi maridin en la Sacramental, una cancion de Sally Deford : "Cuando nacio el Hijo de Dios"... q tb cantamos en las cenas de Navida de los dos barrios. Y ayer cante " Cuidale, Jose", que viene en la liahona de este mes aqui.

Also yesterday, in the evening, we had the Christmas Cantata. Our choir sang some songs, and we went over and beyond our abilities and took the challenge of singing the Messiah, of Handel, with a small string orquestra. Which wasn't bad at all. If you had asked me a couple of months ago I would have told you we sucked! But after last night... I was impressed that we actually made it all the way through!
I had a solo... and even though I messed up the words in one sentence, nobody noticed... What I noticed was the face of many people here in Nanaimo that didn't really know I could sing like that. It was the first time people heard anything this challenging from me... and they were really impressed. Everybody congratulated me ... it was nice... but I just have a hard time with compliments... I feel so embarrassed all the time!! I really don't know what to say...besides a timid "thank you"...

Por la noche tuvimos la Cantata de Navidad. Nos atrevimo scon el Mesis de Handell... si me preguntas te diria q quienes nos creemos q somos como coro para meternos con algo asi... pero la verdad es q no nos salio nada mal!
Yo tenia uno de los solos... y aunque me equivoque con la letra de una frase logre corregirlo sin q se notara!:D
Hubo muchos q se asombraron de que pudiera cantar asi... porque nunca me habian oido cantar nada tan desafiante y de opera asi como esto... y muchos me felicitaron... pero yo sigo igual...sin saber como recebir halagos!!! Y es q no se como responder!! Me da mucha vergueza... y solo digo un timido gracias.

So that's my singing for the season... so far.
Next Sunday we are having little Evan blessed in the combined Sacrament with the other Ward... I wanted to sing, but my ward is not in charge of the music... but I think all the Clarke's brothers will do something.
The Clarke's ( my husband's family) is " famous" for singing around here...I mean in the Church... not anything big... And that Sunday the one that lives in Utah and the one that lives in Vancouver are coming over so they will all be together to sing. They love it... and they are great... but of course my Evan is the best of them all!!! :D... Seriously he is so talented!
So I really hope they can put something together in a couple of days and sing that day.

Asi q esta es mi racha cantarina de estas fechas.
El domingo q viene bendecimos al pequeno Evan y creo q los hermanos Clarke van a cantar algo.
Los Clarke, la familia de mi marido, son famosos por sus voces... famosos a nivel de Estaca me refiero... Y este domingo por ser domingo de Navidad los dos barrios se juntan para la Sacramenteal.
Uno de ellos q vive en Utah y el q vive en Vancouver van a venir y por fin estaran todos juntos para poder cantar.
Les encanta y lo hacen genial... pero mi Evan es el mejor de todos... por supuesto!! Y no me ciega el amor... de verdad q tiene mucho talento!
Asi q espero q puedan juntarse en un par de dias y preparal algo especial para ese dia!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More about me!

Ok...what can I say that you don't know already????
This has definetly made me think a here it goes:
1. My little finger in my right hand is crooked.... ( It involved a jumping rope and an elevator)
El dedo menique de mi mano derecha esta torcido ( un pequeno accidente con una cuerda de saltar y un ascensor)

2. I've sang with Jeff McLean ( not that I did great...actually I did terrible... he taught me the song 5 min before the performance and I didn't even have the music in front of it was all by memory and in English!!!...this is before I went to the States or served a mission in not very good English) I don't really know why I'm letting everyone know about was so embarrassing!!!
He cantado con Jeff McLean... aunque la verdad no se por que comparto esto, porque fue el momento mas vergonzoso de mi vida! No me sabia la cancion.... no sabia mucho tenia musica para poder leer las notas y tener un poco mas de ayuda....asi q memoria, 5 min antes de empezar... HORRIBLE!)

3. I'm scared of water... ( let's say I'm not a confident swimmer.... and I always get paranoid about drowning :( ... after all I almost drowned when I was 3 or 4 years old...the fear is still there))
Me da miedo el agua... mas bien nadar... como q me da panico el ahogarme...creo q tiene algo q ver con el q casi me ahogue cuando tenia 3 o 4 anos en la piscina de Cuatro Caminos)

4. I think knees are the sexiest part of a man's body!
Tengo una inusual debilidad por las rodillas...creo q es lo mas sexi de un hombre!

5. I always relate memories to songs... or people...or relationships...
Para cada recuerdo tengo una cancion...o para personas...o para relaciones...

6. I haven't eaten olives or sausages in over 6 years since I found out how many calories they had...I wish I could do that with chocolate... or cookies!
No como aceitunas o salchichas desde hace anos.... cuando supe cuantas calorias tenian... ya me podia haber dado por el chocolate o por las galletas!!

So there!
Let's see if both Patricias, Sarah, Janaya and Miguel do it!!

Monday, December 10, 2007


Ya me llamaron ayer domingo ....por fin arreglaron la camara!!!
Asi q puedo ir a recogerla hoy!!
Q emocion!!!
Ahora mi unico problema es q no se donde esta la memory card... tenemos otras dos pero no encuentro la q usabamos para la camara...y tiene las fotos de halloween!!! y allguna ptra!!!
En fin...q ya tengo camara!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Feliz Cumple Papa!

El 8 de Diciembre de 1945 nacio Mariano Jabonero Leon en Pastrana, Guadalajara.
Asi q hoy celebramos el nacimiento de este gran hombre...q resulta ser MI PADRE.
Y q orgullosa estoy de ser SU HIJA.
Le quiero muchisimo.... le admiro muchisimo... Es muy especial.
Cuando estuvo aqui de visita todo mi barrio me comento que no conocian a mi padre... ni siquiera le entendian, pero q podian ver en el un espiritu muy especial... pero q la gente en plan llorando me decian estas cosas! Y mi madre q dice q se teme q ya pronto Dios le llame a Su presencia...porq cada dia es mas Santo!
La verdad q no conozco a hombre mas bueno q mi padre... a nadie q se preocupe tanto por mi q de corazon me quiera con locura.
El ha sido mi apoyo en momentos muy fe en Dios y su confianza en mi han sido mi fortaleza. Siento q tenemos una relacion muy especial. Creo q es el unico miembro de mi familia q de verdad me entiende y me acepta, con el q coincido en muchas ideas y con el q comparto el mismo entenfimiento de principios del Evangelio.

December 8 1945 Mariano Jabonero Leon was born in Pastrana, Guadalajara, Spain. So today I celebrate the birth of this great man...that happens to be my DAD... and I'm his proud DAUGHTER!
I love him, I admire him... I don't know a better man than him! When he was here everybody in my ward could feel the great spirit around him. They didn't know him, they didn't even understand him...but they could see there was something amazing about him.
He has been a great support for me. His Faith in the Lord and his trust in my potential have been a great source of strength for me.

Le echo muchisimo de menos. Va a pasar mas de un anyo hasta q le vea otra vez y me entristece... porque nunca le he visto mas feliz q disfrutando con mis hijos... como se le derrite el corazon estando con ellos. Es el unico q , como yo, se queda en "babia" observandoles, q disfruta viendoles descubrir cosas como si el mismo las estuviera descubriendo.
Se tira al suelo a jugar con ellos sin importarle lo q le va a costar levantarse de nuevo... o creer q va a poder dormir llevandose a Carmen con el a la cama... cuando en verdad eso no es descansar ni es nada!
Y si yo le quiero... imaginaros como le quiere Carmen!
Cuanto me gustaria q pudiera estar mas cerca para q mis hijos pudieran crecer con la influencia de este gran abuelo!

I miss him... it will be longer than a year till I see him again... and that saddens me....cos I've never seen him happier than playing around with my kids.... little caring about how long it will take him to get up again, or how he'll never get a sleep if he takes Carmen with him to bed...but he'd rather have her there than being anywhere else!
And if I love him...imagine Carmen! She adores him!
How much I would love to have my kids grow up around the influence of this great ABUELO!

Pero como el me dijo antes de casarme...
'Nos separaran muchas aguas, pero estaremos juntos por todas las eternidades".
Te quiero papa!

But as he well said to me before I got married: "Many waters will divide us... but we'll be together for the Eternities"
I love you DAD!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Arbolito de Navidad

El lunes en nuestra noche de hogar pusimos el arbol de Navidad.
Carmen estuvo de lo mas ilusionada... porque era para celebrar el cumple de Jesus... y solo pasaba diciendo : "Surprise a Jesus??". Para ella regalos los llama surpises... y la verdad q me asombro su una nina de 3 anos entiende q si vamos a celebrar su cumpleanos hay q regalarle algo, entonces porque se nos olvida tan facilmente a algunos adultos???
Luego la explicamos q iba a venir Santa a dejar regalitos para ella..y empezo a llamarle: " Saaanta, ven a mi casa!!!...Ho, ho, ho".
Este ano me lo voy a pasar en grande viendola abrir los regalos... dice q va a recibir muchos "Dora suprises". Cada vez q ve algo de Dora en las revistas me pregunta: " Para mi mama???" y yo digo q si...entonces me pega un abrazo super fuerte y dice: " gracias, mama... gracias, gracias , gracias!" y luego abraza la revista diciendo: " para mi, suprise para mi.... I love it , I love it , I love it!".
Ahora le da por decir " I love it" con todas las cosas q le gustan.... como las luces del arbol, q son azules...she loves it azul ( o mas bien asul.... porq mi hija me ha salido con acento mejicano).
Cuando por fin me den la camara tirare una foto pa q veais mi arbol.... No tiene nada especial...solo para mi, porque lleva las luces y decoraciones ( azul y plata) q se usaron en mi boda...por eso todas las navidades ahora me recuerdan a mi boda... El ano pasado intente colgar esos bastoncillos de caramelo...y Carmen no dejo ni uno! Asi q este ano nada de eso.
Lo q voy a echar de menos el turron....los mazapanes...los polvorones!!! Y ni digamos de la tipica sesion de los " martes y trece" o "cruz y raya" y compania... Y por supuesto las uvas!.... En fin... q las q podais...disfrutarlo tb por mi!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

***** WhiTe ChRisTmaS ????? ********

It started snowing yesterday and it hasn't stopped yet!
I love the snow! I love how silent it gets... contrary to the gloomy effects of rain, snow brightens the day!...will it last till Christmas...I hope so!
Tania was here for the weekend since we were going to have baby Evan blessed at Sacrament today. But Church was canceled due to the snow :(
So she ended up leaving earlier than planned. At least we had some time yesterday to get to the mall and do some Christmas shopping!!!!!
Evan went his own way to get me some stuff and we went to winners to get presents for the kids! All I got was Dora stuff for Carmen and princess stuff and coloring book and things like that... I'm so excited to see her reaction this year!
I got some toys for Evan and books... I'm afraid that he will have to fight with Carmen to have a go with his own toys :{
So tonight...after such a boring day all day at home (plus fasting) we are having our neighbors over for some games and cake and custard! So that will be the highlight of the day!

Ha empezado a nevar!!! Y esta todo precioso... me encanta la nieve... no es como la lluvia , q deprime, la nieve ilumina y da sentimientos de paz...
Hay tanta nieve q nos han cancelado la capilla! Y eso q Tania habia venido a la bendicion de Evan! Por lo menos nos dio tiempo ayer a ir de compras.... monton de regalitos para los ninos! Me lo he pasado genial eligiendo cosas para ellos... estoy deseando verles las caras cuando los abran! Pero me da a mi q mi pobre nene va a tener q pelearse con Carmen para poder jugar con sus propios regalos...
Esta noche despues de un dia tan aburrido de estar en casa y encima ayunando...hemos invitado a unos amigos a pasar la tarde con nosotros jugando y comiendo pastel con custard....( no se q es esto en espanol....pero es como las natillas pero en caliente y esta buenisimo!)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Una De Cal Y Otra De Arena

El domingo q bonito todo... y al dia siguiente q pelea!!
En serio me dieron ganas de sentarme al ordenador y hacerme la reserva de avion e irme a Espanya!
Lo normal... se anfada el, me enfado yo y no podemos hablar.... luego se calma, me calmo y podemos comunicarnos mejor.
El asunto en cuestion??? Pues q quiero volver a estudiar...

y se agobia...porq claro me tendria q ayudar....y es otra cosa mas q hacer... tiempo q no pasaria con mis hijos... ni con apenas nos vemos durante la semana. O tendriamos q buscar a alguien q cuidara de mis hijos... y claro, cuidar de mis hijos es mi responsabilidad.
Luego q si estudio... despues vendria trabajar....
Y yo q solo queria q me ayudara a ver las opciones de como podria estudiar lo q me gusta...
La verdad es q soy feliz cuidando de mis siento totalmente satisfecha. Tampoco es q necesitemos q yo trabaje...economicamente con su sueldo tenemos de sobra y eso es una bendicion... no muchas madres tienen la bendicion de poder pasar todo el tiempo del mundo con sus hijos, como yo. Y por ahora q son tan pequenyos... lo que quiero es estar con ellos y ensenyarles todo lo que puedo y darles todo el carinyo y la atencion de madre que necesitan.
Quizas cuando empiecen el cole... pero como no solo vy a tener estos dos, sino q vamos a ir a por mas... no se cuando tendre tiempo para una carrera... y si no...tendra q ser por correspondencia... y no tienen los cursos q quiero por correspondencia...
En fin... como lo haceis vosotras madres para compaginar familia y estudios o carrera sin que sufra la familia??

Monday, November 26, 2007

Beautiful Sunday!

While some of us are making cupcakes on Sunday...others like me have no time to rest... isn't it call el Dia de Reposo????...I guess not for me....
Even though Church starts a t 1 pm in my ward, I barely have the time to get everything ready. And I even give the babies a bath the night before so there is one thing less to do in the morning!
Preparing up breakfast, making some kind of lunch, and preparing some kind of snack for Church, plus books, toys, dressing them...doing Carmen's hair..( she looked so beautiful yesterday! She lets me do her hair now and she actually keeps it for a long time. I also changed her earrings yesterday. Tania gave her a pair of gold earrings when she was born in the shape of little dolphins with a zirconium as eye and she LOVES them. She also wore the necklace of the mustard seed inside a heart that comes with a little plaque with the scripture on faith that grandma Vilma got her. When we got to Church she showed everybody...very proud of what she got....anyway... sorry, any excuse to brag about how cute my daughter is! :D)
Then..I have to get ready myself..and that takes a long time...I guess if I was naturally beautiful wouldn't take me that long!! hehehe
So every Sunday morning is stress time for me...and I always feel like I forget yesterday I never put on parfume...nor EARRINGS!!!! Crime! I know! I feel like boy without earrings!
But... get ready this is another bragging time... this time is about my husband!... First I'll say that we got to Church 15 min earlier...shocker! we are always late! So I had some time to visit with Vanessa Hobbs, just chatting playing with the babes... and Evan was sitting playing with his PDA...and I say playing because he has games on it...and he always plays games when at Church. So one time I look at him...and he gives me this cheecky smile...that it could only mean: "I'm naughty!". So he gets asked to bless Sacrament... I particularly don't like that cos it means I'm left alone to deal with both kids until after sacrament... thus the whole paraphernalia I have to take with me to Church to keep them entertained!
But... before he goes to sit down at the Sacrament table he gives me his PDA...there was something for me to read... it said something like this:
"Dear Esther:
You looked so beautiful on friday night... and yesterday...and you even look more beautiful today.... because your inner beauty shining forth!....'
He actually said that I look hot!! He always tells me I look hot...even when I just wake up, with my wild hair.... dried drool on my mouth... love blinds!...
And then again Choir when I was singing my solo he was checking me out, making comments on my butt... saying I looked hot...and people could hear!!! ...he embarrasses me like that!... But I love him for that too!
I love him cos he always sees the most little detail about me and tells me about it, and compliments me all the time... it feels great to be admired by your husband... the person I want too impress above anybody else.... the one I want to see me at my very best...and he does... and not just physically...but in every aspect of me.
So all and all... he made of my Sunday ...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

En espanyol...y mas cositas

Ok... me vas a hacer traducirlo todo???? es q es largisima...pero ok! Va por ti Silvia!
No he escrito nada en mi blog solo porque tenia el ordenador pocho... pero ya parece estar todo bajo control...
Os cuento de mi baby Evan... hace muchisimo q no daba un reporte de todas las cosas q hace...
Se dice q los ninyos q crecen aprendiendo dos idiomas tardan mas en hablar... pero tanto Carmen como Evan empezaron ya a decir cositas antes de los 12 meses.
Sus primeras palabras han sido: mama ( lo cual me llena de algria ya q Carmen dijo papa primero( y lo creais o no dice gracias.... mas bien su propia version q suena mas como "sasias" riquisimo!. Siempre q me ve en la cocina y me ve preparando algo de comer se me acerca y no me deja en paz hasta q le doy un trozo y me dice"sasias" y sale corriendo super contento... me lo comia!
Ahora dice mas cositas...papa, agua, leche, bien!!! y se aplaude el solo... dice de nada...mas bien "nena-a" ( es q hay cosas q solo las madres entendemos), dice Amen al terminar las oraciones...toe toes y bye ( creo q son las unicas en ingles q dice por ahora)... y cuando come algo q le gusta hace :Mmmmmmmmhhhhhh.
Le encanta ir montado a caballito... cada vez q me ve tumbada se me tria encima y empieza a votar como loco! Le encanta mirarse en el espejo y cuando se ve dice: guapo! y a veces coje el cepillo y me peina y dice: guapa!
Me da los mas deliciosos besos... tenemos las mas interesantes conversaciones...el dice no ( su palabra favorita) y yo digo si...y asi mil veces y cada vez mas deprisa....
Hace los sonidos del guagua, del gato, cerdo y de la vaca...para el resto de los animales hace el sonido del cerdo. jejeje.
Acaba de aprender a decir Loca, loca , loca... se lo dice a Carmen cada vez q la da por empezar a gritar... y se lleva el dedo a la meo con el!
Le encanta la musica, cada vez q escucha musica, ya sea en los anuncios...o incluso al sonar el movil...empieza a bailar!
Tambien acaba de empezar a cantar...super gracioso...por supuesto q no le da a la nota, pero si empiezas a cantar la de "twinkle twinkle little star....te sigue, y al terminar dice: bien!!! y aplaude!
Por supuesto hay mas cosas q me enamoran cada dia mas de el...pero con estas ya os haceis una idea de lo bien q me lo paso con mi hijo...pero no os podeis ni hacer ala idea de lo mucho q lo amo... es un ninyo muy especial para mi... se que lo tuve muy rapido despues de tener a Carmen...pero Dios asi lo quiso...y gracias le doy por mandarmelo!
Tenerle es una de las mayores bendiciones de mi vida. No entendia muy bien por q no podia haber esperado un poco mas...pero las impresiones del Espiritu fueron muy fuertes y obedeci... confiando en q el Senor me mostrarria el por q... Y asi ha sido. Durante mi embarazo pase una prueba muy grande y el fue mi inspiracion par aseguir adelante con fe....y desde q nacio no me he sentido mas llena de amor... amor por el...y de amor de el por mi...
Tengo un testimonio fuertisimo de q fue el plan de Dios. Q el sabia q iba a necesitar este angel q tengo por hijo.
No tengo ninguna duda de q los hijos no son una carga...
sino una grandisima bendicion!!
Asi q espero q Dios me llene de bendiciones como estas!

Friday, November 16, 2007

what did we do before computers...or interent???

I've been unable to enjoy my computer for the last few weeks... since my husband decided to "fix it", it hasn't stopped breaking up... I would start writing and it would just turn off on me! I must say it made me nuts... But now, after taking off the new ram Ev got for seems to work fine...
It is just what I said it would happen... you start touching and it would do more bad than good.
I think we'll get a new computer soon, though. This one we have is so sounds like it is going to take off soon! Plus it comes from the famous office where Evan used to work at back in the day.
So that is the reason I haven't been able to post anything over here... deserve an update!
SO...I start saying:
Evan Jr is so cute... I realized I never wrote down that things he says now....
I understand that children that grow up with two languages take longer to speak. My mom says that I started talking after 9 months ( and I haven't stopped since :D)... and my children even though they are learning two, they both started saying thins before 12 months.
Evan's first words were mama... ( unlike Carmen that said papa first :( ) ... and believe it or not...'gracias"...or his version of it that sounds more like " sasias"...but soooo cute when he says it. That is when I'm preparing something to eat and he is begging me for some, so I finally bend down and give him a piece and he says : "sasias" and runs off so happy! I love it!.
He says more things papa, de nada ( that sounds more like "nena-a") he says amen at the end of our prayers, he says toe toes... hola... and waves goodbye... agua, leche... I ask him: te gusta?..and he goes :Mmmmmmmmmmhh.
He loves getting on top of you and start ridding you like a horse... whenever I'm laying down, he thinks is horsie time!
He says up, up... caca, he gives the most delicious kisses... he makes the noises of dogs, and cats, and cows nad pigs... the rest of the animals... he just does the pig sound! hehehe.
He and I have the longest conversations...he says NO and I say YES back and forth like a thousand times! Faster and faster is hilarious!
He just learned to say : loca, loca, loca... that's to Carmen when she just screams out of the he says that, and does the finger motion in his head...
I put on music and I say: Baila nene.!... and he starts cute!
One thing he just started doing is singing!!! Carmen's favorite song is "twinkle twinkle little star"... well, I think he has heard it so many times that he knows it now, and if you start singing it he joins you and at the end he says : Bieeeen!!! and starts clapping!
So there!
My pride and joy!!!
Apart from being so handsome, he is so smart!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Broken Camera

My camera broke down on us Friday night.... :(
We took it in( good thing we bought the 3 year warranty) to fix it...and we are going to be "cameraless" for 4-6 weeks. Dang! It sucks... I'm just hoping I'll get it back before X-mas!! I f we don't we get a brand new camera for free... So anyway...I still have to post some pictures from Halloween. I still haven't download them into the computer because my husband has been "fixing" the computer... Why is it that we can't get in Future Shop without leaving with something in our hands??? And of course it's something that Evan wants...not a need...but a want!! he says Future Shop is the Toys'rus for adults... after all they are just like kids! ( even worse sometimes, because they have access to money!!) this time we got a new hard drive and some extra RAM... so that's what Evan has been doing this last week...backing up stuff and adding new stuff...
But I will post them soon...promise!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Mis amigas....

Mil gracias a cada una de vosotras... Irene, Silvia, Patricia, Lara, Marta, Lorena... No sabeis lo q supone para mi vuestra amistad...
Os iba a escribir un mensaje a cada una...pero lo hago aki en "publico" para todas...
Os quieo cierto q con alguans he pasado mas experiencias q con otras...pero os adoro a todas...os admiro a todas...sois un gran ejemplo para mi... aprendo muchisimo de todos vuestros comentarios... me dan mucho animo.
Para mi es una gran alegria poder compartir mis pensamientos, mi dia a dia con vosotras... saber q aunque os tenga tan lejos...estamos unidas en esto del Blog... bendito blog!:D
Me alegro muchisimo por todo lo que habeis conseguido en la vida... la de bendiciones que habeis recibido... en lo que os habeis convertido...
Como mujeres...sois lo mejor de lo mejor... y esta asociacion con vosotras para mi es un privilegio.
De todo corazon...

Os quiero!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Good friends

I found myself alone today... Carmen was in ballet, Evan was sleeping... and I had a moment of loneliness...
I think I have one of this days every once in a while... I just miss my friends...
I especially miss best friend....

I miss everything about her. Someone who I can always rely on, who is loyal, who is honest, in whom I can trust...someone who loves me. This is going to sound so cheese, but I love her with all my heart.
We've had so much fun together...driving in the car, listening to music, singing at the top of our lungs, goofing around, dancing all night,... we didn't talk on the phone a lot... I just took the bus and showed up at her house! The good shopping sessions... the movies... we even got to work together in the MTC... what else can I ask for??
I always dream with the day that we can live in the same town, raising our children together... that's the picture of my ideal future... but who knows if that will be possible.
Life is definitely harder without a good friend like her.
So even though I have nobody like her here... at least I find comfort in knowing that I have a good friend...and that makes me feel a lot better.
What would we do without friends?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Why...oh, why???

I've been thinking lately that my kitchen doesn't inspire me to cook, is too messy, too crowded, too small... or maybe is an excuse... but yesterday I was determined to make it a clean, sparkly kitchen like those you see in the commercials... everything in place, tidy and appealing...
(Like this one... exactly my kind of kitchen... anyway I'll keep on dreaming...)

well I literally sweated from every pore of my being...
I was almost done... the only thing that was on the counters, were the clean dishes and the tin of chili that we canned at church the other was leaking so I put it on the counter to later figure out what to do with it. I thought now it is a good time to mop the floors, cuz the baby is sleeping, and every time that I mop he walks over the wet floor, slips, falls down, cries...etc...nightmare, so before putting those things away I thought I'd leave it for later...BAD CHOICE!...
While I was in the middle of my sweeping... EXPLOSION!!...something hits me in the face.. all over my body...all over the walls...all over MY CLEAN KITCHEN!!!!...It's the CHILI!!!
SOOOOOOOOOO GROSS!!!!!!!!!! It smells horrible... it is all over the splashed everything, everywhere... the noise of the explosion woke the baby up, now he is crying, I can't go get him...I'm full of yaky stinky chili... and I have to clean ALL OVER AGAIN!!
Not now, my back hurts, my hands hurt...I need a rest...but I CAN'T! I have to clean all that mess before it dries and it gets harder to clean... was so gross... I called Evan to tell him what happened...he said he knew it would explode...why didn't he tell me...why didn't he throw it away???? WHY!!!!
Oh, well... he said it was funny....he said I should take a picture and post it in my blog... I didn't want to take any pictures...I just wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible... plus I didn't want the kids to run around in all that mess making it worst...
So there is not pictures of the experience...but I shared the story... any moral to it???
I dunno... you tell me!

PS: I got my kitchen clean and tidy now...
It might only last for today...or maybe not even a few hours...but I love it!... and it smells gooooooooood!! It might be the roast I'm making....mmmmmmm!

Monday, October 22, 2007

~ Celebrity Dinner ~

Last friday we were invited to a Celebrity Dinner, organized to donate money for a sports and recreation local organization here in Nanaimo.

Guests of honor were:
a female basketball player, for the para-olympics national team, winner of the gold medal in Sydney 2000. She gave such an inspirational speech . A woman that go paralyzed, has gone thru brain cirjury, and that hasn't stopped her from enjoying life to the fullest and find success, become a wife and a mother... it was an amazing story. ( sorry, no picture of her).

A football player. Played for San Francisco 49ers, and for other teams too...but that's the only one I remember cuz it is the only one I know...thanks to Steve Young, who he mentioned in his speech.
Apparently he is retired now and does broadcasting and is writing a book.
I personally thought he looked super young to be retired and looked too drunk ...but still good looking :D.

The main one, was Wendall Clark. I say the main one because Canada really only cares about Hockey players... and this guy has been a great one. He was the captain for Toronto Maple leafs, which is one of the oldest teams for Canada and has many fans. ( Not nearly as good as the Montreal Canadiens, I must add).
His speech was really nice, and he gave some time to the attendees for questions, which he answered in a very classy way if you ask me.
I really liked him, I thought he presented himself in an intelligent manner. And Evan got to take a picture with him.

Oh, that night I lost my Swarowsky crystal bracelet... We stopped by the church to drop the kids off and I prayed I lost it there...and yes!! they found it!

..... Slurpees!!!

It was Evan's B-day so since we are not celebrating it untill next weekend, we went out for slurpees...requested by Carmen...
It was funny because we all felt like having one....
I think it was the babe's first slurpee!!!
just look at how much they were loving it!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

* B-day Girl *

Carmen was born October 15th 2004... 2 days before our 9 months anniversary... so for the first 9 months of my marriage I was a different person. I really don't like me when I'm pregnant...well, when I'm pregnant and it is hard...because Evan's pregnancy was heaven compared to Carmen's and I wasn't as easily annoyed, as bitter with the world, as depressed, as moody, as tired... oh, beautiful motherhood!!!
That's why I say that Evan never the real me...or maybe that's exactly what he married!!! scary!!
Going back to Carmen...she is the most beautiful girl, and yes, I am going to brag about my children's beauty again... People (known and unknown to me) have been coming to tell me how beautiful they recognize they are more beautiful than their own grandchildren, more than any children they've ever seen, telling me I should have more cuz I'm making the world a more beautiful place... things like that...
You would think that I love that...and I guess I do, but really... I don't know how to respond to that... I don't know if I should laugh or cry... so I just say thank you... because it is a double compliment, for them and for me... after all I AM THE MOTHER... so there is something of me in them.
What I'm trying to say is that yes to be a mother is hard, even harder than bringing them into this world... but it is all.. ALL, ALL worth it! I look at her and I am amazed... she is mine! She loves me, she looks up to me...I am her best teacher, her favorite person in the world! She is really special, a chosen vessel... and I am super blessed to have her....this last three years have been amazing and I hope to see many more!
On her actual b-day we had a special b-day breakfast with our neighbor Lindy Hobbs ( and of course the mother came too, and little Nicole).
Carmen got her first Barbie...and it was a she LOVES it!
Mom came over and gave her a story book and another with water colors, which she is been using every morning... so much that she doesn't have any colors left.
This year she was all excited about her party.... every time we would talk about it, she would start singing the happy b-day song to herself.
She helped prepare the goodie bags for the kids, and even to decorate the cake. I wanted to post the video here but I can't.. so I'll post it in facebook but I'll try it again... it is super cute...
But here are some pictures... of her decorating the cake and with cousins and friends that came over.

Monday, October 15, 2007

**** CARNIVAL *****

Last saturday we had a little activity at church for the kids. This is family week, so we are full of things to do.
Auntie Bethany shared some of her artistic talent with the kids and did some face painting.
This is what Carmen had done...or what was left of it.

Bed Time

It is almost impossible to have quiet time in my house... so you can imagine what it is like to try to put these two to bed... ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!
At least it is fun for some!!
( And normally it is not for the parents)

Some more from the wedding!

This one was taken at our house just before the Temple ceremony.

Evan wanted to be all over Patri's trail all night, so the photographer said: "ok, let the kid on the dress"...and thus...this beautiful picture of Evan on Patri's trail.

Friday, October 12, 2007

~ Canadian Thanksgiving ~

We had a lot of Clarke's this year to celebrate Thanksgiving day... So many, we got together at Church.
The food was delicious this year...
It was great to have Andrea ( Evan's oldest sister) and family over... even if it was just a for a couple of days.
The kids were free to play, so they had a lot of fun.
Here are some pictures.

Carmen loves to pose for the camera.. and loves even more, to see pictures of herself... So Kaetlyn ( Andrea's daughter) that was the photographer had a little photo shoot of Carmen...
Carmen is such a model... with different emotions even! She was really good a following directions, hehehe

Being cute

Happy face

Scary... very scary

Silly face


Thursday, October 11, 2007

In Grandpa's car

Some more pictures of the babes with grandpa...
Carmen was doing my hair the other day and she said...
"I like abuelo" just like that...
I know she likes him, and I know he adores her too.