Wednesday, July 29, 2009

cantad, cantad...bailad, bailad!

Pues leyendo el blog de marta me he puesto a pensar en unas de mis canciones favoritas del momento...teneis q escucharlas
Lucky ( de Jason Mraz y Colibe Caillat)
If it kills me ( de Jason gusta este tipo :D)
Broken Strings ( de James Morrison y Nelly furtado)

Yo no puedo vivir sin musica...hay dias( creo que ya os lo he contado antes) que pongo la musica "a todo mecate" en mi casa y todos a bailar!!! me encanta poder compartir esos momentos con mis nenes...que no veais como bailan!! les encanta!
Otra coasa q nos encanta es ver SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!!
ahor que no estoy en casa para verlo...pues me conformo con ver algunos vidfeos por you tube...
bailes increibles...canciones increibles!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Algo de buena propaganda .... y de gratis!

Pues es que me invitaron al cine... y yo no voy, hace mucho que no piso yo el cine.... Por que??? porque con la basura que hay en la gran mayoria de las peliculas de hoy en dia, pues no voy a verlas.
Tuvimos una noche de hogar en casa en la q estuvimos repasando todas las instrucciones que nos han dado nuestros lideres de la Iglesia y pusimos algunas normas en cuanto lo qe veriamos o no. Llegamos a la conclusion de que no habia mucho que podriamos ver, a no ser que fueran las de Disney. Asi que hicimos una busqueda en internet y encontramos Clearplay. Un DVD player que nos quita las escenas de sexo, desnudez, violencia, bromas subiditas de tono, sangre, palabrotas, profanaciones....etc; y nos deja graduar los limites a nuestra eleccion. YO estoy enamorada de ese caharro. Cuando nos interesa una pelicula, vamos a esta pagina web: y alli califican de 1 a 10 el contenido de sexo, violencia, y lenguaje de la pelicula. Y ademas te dan las descripciones del por q, de lo que hay en esas escenas.
A mi me encanta...poruqe antes de ver una pelicula ya se cuantas palabrotas dicen y q clase de escenas habra, y asi yo puedo austar mi DVD player a esa peli.
Lo recomiendo... y no me han pagado para hacerles propaganda :D

Asi que aqui os pongo una cita del Elder Ballard.
Os invito a que lo evalueis. No es dificil vivir lo que nos insta. No es dificil salir del cine en mitad de la pelicula si presenta inmoralidad o violencia como aceptable, no es dificil apagar la tele o cambiar de canal cuando exponen al cuerpo de una mujer u hombre( auqnue esto sucede con menos frecuencia) al desnudo... si no esta bien, quitemoslo de nuestras vidas.
No tenemos excusas para seguir haciendo lo que hacemos.
Yo quizas tengo la ventaja de que he estado viviendo en un pais, que socilamente esta mas concienciado en lo que presentan en las jovenes mentes de nuestro futuro: nuestros hijos.... pero si se quiere se puede...aun hasta en España :D

"The choices we make in media can be symbolic of the choices we make in life. Choosing the trendy, the titillating, the tawdry in the TV programs or movies we watch can cause us to end up, if we’re not careful, choosing the same things in the lives we live.
The new morality preached from the media’s pulpit is nothing more than the old immorality. It attacks religion. It undermines the family. It turns virtue into vice and vice into virtue. It assaults the senses and batters the soul with messages and images that are neither virtuous, nor lovely, nor of good report, nor praiseworthy".

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8 meses y amores....

Mi nena uya tiene 8 meses!!
Q grande y q guapa esta! Siempre esta gateando, apoyandose en mesas, sillas, sofas...lo que sea para levantarse, siempre intentando hablar, haciendo ruiditos...y por supuesto RIENDOSE!
Es un sol de niña... y lo mejor es que la he parido yo!!:D
Me encanta... estoy enamorada...y estos son los culpables:

(mi Evan menudo corte de pelo le metio mi querido cuñao Fran!!...pero es que estan siempre guapos, hagas lo que les hagas!)

( Y mi Carmen es TOP! y siempre preparada para sesion fotografica!)
Otra q esta enamorada es "nuestra Sarita"... y mirad que PIBON!!!
Esta mortal el niño, y super majo el Gabrielle... asi que a ver si se va a la mision y la hace reina a nuestra Sarita!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BeAcH DaYs

My pretty Isabel in the bath tub. She loved that little holder thing... and I loved it even more. I could leave her there and she played all nice for a long time.

This is Frigiliana... very pretty. It was so hot we didn´t last there too long.
Carmen was so tired, as you can see on Fran´s arms, and my mom was in a hurry to get back and watch the game...

Spain is beautiful!

One weekend I escaped to Malaga, I only took Isabel. I went to visit my friend David, from Cadiz. This is his daugther Daniela. They made good friends.
I had a fantastic time with them. The day I go tthere it was David´s b-day, the next it was Nerea´s b-day ( she is my other friend´s May and Boni¨s daughter)... so I went from party to party, and then on Sunday I met the rest of my family at Church.
Patri has the pictures we took there.. she has tons of pictures, in fact.

This is the beach in Torrox, where we stayed. Volcanic sand...not my favorite, like in Cadiz, but it was a smal little place, loaded with Germans...

Evan and I.

Carmen and I.

Patri and I.

Carmen was all day in the water. She was really brave and loved to "swim" with her flotty.
Evan got brave too, and got in as well. It was great too see him get confident and "swim" by himself. He was all proud of himself too.

Isabel didn´t go to the beach very much... for obvious reasons... got sand everywhere....ate it as well... plus I was scared she will get burnt, so I took her this day it was a bit cloudy, and two other times.
She is getting all big, she crawls and she´s starting to climb on things... my baby!!!I love that face!

That´s as much of me you will see in a swimming suit.

Ice cream time. Evry night when we got out for a walk along the beach it was ice cream time. Of course they didn´t forget one day!

They didn´t forget about this either... the guy that run the place got to know us and he gave them rides for free sometimes. After all we were faithful clients:D

This is in Nerja ( beautiful, beautiful place) This is called Balcon de Europa and it is always FULL of people. i was always so paranoid someone would steal my kids...
They are so beautiful!!!

Me... I am so happy I didn´t get any alergic reaction to the sun... I looooooove getting tan :D

Our neighbours... Carmen and Evan had sooooooo much fun with them. They were form Jaen, and Carmen ended up talking with their accent, very cute.... She talks lots of Spanish now and I looooooove she got that southern accent now!

Patri got her this hello kitty earings...she looves them!
She got a surpise package for Evan...and he got thet necklace :D

I got this "matching" rings for my mom, Patru and I. I looooove them!

And my mom got us this earrings... Patri got pink, of course!

So... many more pictures to come, many more videos taken... but all in all...fantastci vacations!!!