Monday, March 31, 2008

Great weekend!

This is Evan's Ice Hockey Team..."The Whalers".
They had a tournament this last weekend.... and they won!!! So this picture was taken after the final game which score was 4-0!!!
My baby did good. He really likes being on a team again... and I reall y enjoy watching him because he is really good :)
That same night we had the tuff men tuff women competition...
So you wanna fightA member from Nanaimo ward puts this show and Evan and I did the music for it.
Evan fough on it when he was 17... there is no way he can do it now... I like his face the way it is!!!
But he's been doing the music for it the last 4 years. I missed the first year becuase I was in Spain, but I've gone with him the last 3. My first one I was really scared... but I've come to like it. This year wasn't as goos as last year, I thought.... and it was freezing!!!! They do it at the Ice rink in Beban and they didn't melt the ice beneath, plus they had to keep it frozen... so we all freezed.... let me tell ya, I wasn't feeling bad for the card girls who were practically in their underwear...
We went home and watched the Habs game and they won... that was nice.
On Sunday we had a good Church service.... fast sundays are especially spiritual... I can't stop crying!
We had a nice nap and after dinner we visited with some friends from Church who live right across the street.... by the way she taught me how to make sushi... I'm soo excited!
Evan didn't feel good this morning, so he's been sick at home all day... not very exciting :(

Friday, March 28, 2008

Mas de lo mismo...sera q estoy obsesionada???

Pues si... a lo mejor ya hasta os aburro con este asunto, jajaja... espero q no.
Y gracias a todas por el apoyo q me estais dando... y tb la motivacion!!! Lo hago por mi pero tb por vosotrras!!! Asi q ahora me siento mas obligada!!jajajaj
Pues si... hoy voy al gym otra vez ( menos mal, porq esta nevando!!!! y no iba a salir a correr con lo q esta cayendo!) y manyana tb!
El lunes empiezo mi 4a semana y al final de esta, es cuando me pesan, me miden y me calculan la masa de grasa en mi cuerpo... asi q ya veremos... todavia tengo una sesion mas con la entrenadora y esas son terribles... yo creo q todo lo q pierdo es en esas sesiones!!
Todavia no tengo ni idea si he perdido algo, pero me noto q he perdido volumen... en la tripa... asi q estoy contenta.
Lo q no he hecho muy bien es lo de cumplir con mis 5 dias de cardio... en estas 3 semanas solo he conseguido hacer 4... he cometido algunos fallos en cuanto a lo de la dieta... empezando por dias q no llegue a beberme los 8 vasos diarios, y dos noches q me meti un bol de helado... q por cierto es lo peor q puedes hacer.... comer algo dulce por la noche, porqe solo tarda 15 min en acumularse como grasa en tu cuerpo.... asi q si comeis algo dulce, aseguraos de quemarlo antes de q pasen los 15 min.
Por lo demas voy bien... pero me da a mi q el segundo mes me van a dar mas canya :{
Ya veremos.
Ahora... si alguine me puede dar ideas para tener mas variedad en mis menus... Nada de pasta, nada de pan ni de azucares ni lacteos. Solo puedo comer roja una vez a la semana, los demas: pollo, pavo, pescado... y todo lo verde: esparragos, espinacas, calabacin, repollo... mas verdura y fruta todo lo que quiera.... asi q si teneis recetas de como cocinar estas cositas... pues me enchufais con algo, ok?
Gracias amigas!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yesterday we had a busy day...
In the morning Sara came and we went to a pre-school group... I've been looking for places to take Carmen so she can get use to a routine and a schedule and learning from somebody else and also to being taught in English.
So we found this group... and it was great! The leader there was amazing, really, AMAZING! A woman that you can tell she loves what she does and she does it the best she knows it has to be done... and they do it for free!! yes, free! that's great!
The most important thing is that Carmen loved it and Evan did too... they were very interested in everything and followed along in some of the songs... it was fun for me to see them too.
So a friend gave me a double stroller and even though it is a bit far from where I live (but the weather is starting to be nicer) I'll go for a walk 3 days a week and I'll take them there for a couple of hours... I'm so excited!
Here are some pictures...

Carmen looking fabulous!

She seemed to love this bird puppets... of course they made this very annoying sounds that of course she loved!

Evan loved this "pulpo"... he sounds so cute when he says it!
And note how little we cut from his front hair... just enough so he can see :D

And this is Sara's boy, ADRIEL!
For some reason when Carmen says his name she ends it in a T... sounds something like ARIET!

Evan didn't work this afternoon. So when he got home we took Carmen to ballet, the baby fell asleep on the car and we went out for lunch. It was nice to be "alone" with Evan.
We talked a lot... you guys might not know, but we've struggled a lot. We are fighting for our marriage and it gets hard at times... so things like just talking without interruptions help a lot!
We planned things for the future and I'm very excited...
When we got Carmen back from ballet, she fell asleep on the car so did Evan so we all had a nice nap.
After that Evan took Carmen to a park while the baby and I went grocery shopping. We got home, had dinner and Evan left to play ice hockey with his team. They have a tournament this weekend... I hope they win!
So I was on my own to put the kids to bed, but it is not too bad. They watch a show on TV, we read the scriptures, we say a prayer and we go to bed. Evan is the best one. Carmen always gets out of her room a couple times before she finally goes to sleep.
So to make time until Evan got home, I had my TV session too... American Idol... I called it! I knew Chikezie was leaving!... America's next top model... The bachelor.... and Project runway Canada...
I woke up early and took Evan out with me for my walk.
I didn't do any exercice yesterday and tonight I'm not going to the gym cuz I have a relief society activity... so I'll squeeze some gym tomorrow... hopefully...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

Lots of things to tell...
Friday morning I made a huge pancake breakfast... none for me of course! I stuck to my regimen!
Then we went swimming... Carmen's been wanting to go forever... and her and baby had so much fun.
Then we went out for dinner with the babes... and they were not bad.
We rented "No country for old man" and it left me with this feeling of uneasiness... I couldn't fall asleep for the longest time, thinking of all the pshycos that are in the world!... but I liked Bardem in it! And I was impressed about his accent... is kind of weird but I was expecting a harder Spanish accent.
Saturday I went to the gym in the morning, then Sara came to do my roots, she also gave Evan a haircut and she ended up giving Carmen and baby a haircut too... just a trim guys, don't worry, I'm enjoying my babies' long hair.
My roots are not done the way I like it so she'll do them again someday this week.
That night Evan played at a bar here in Nanaimo... and it was the first time that it was full! (after all it was a Saturday night, not a Tuesday...who goes out on Tuesday's nights anyway!?!)
Lots of friends came...and we all had a good time!
Sunday church was good.
At night Sara and dad came for a game of "up and down the river"... where I ended DEAD LAST!!! I mean... I've done bad in games, but let's say it was NOT my lucky night... but it was so fun!
Monday Evan had to go to Ladysmith (where Pamela Anderson is from) to do an estimate so we all went with him. The plan was that while he was at the house working, we would be at a park nearby just playing until he was done... but on our way there Carmen started puking in the car... yes, so gross! So we ended up waiting in the car. But at least Carmen started feeling better.
After that I had my appointment with my trainer ( well, I didn't see my trainer but other one helped me today). She was hard. She made me lift up 360 and 405 pounds of weights in the squatting machine! I thought I was not gonna make it... but I did! Although, I couldn't walk after that... but at least I finished my 15 rep!
That night we had the Big Easter Dinner at Ann's as part of the tradition now of every year.
Carmen had her Easter egg hunt... cuz this year I didn't do anything "Easter Special" for my kids... I just got some pictures of Easter Bunnies and eggs to color, and that seemed to satisfied them...
I was weak and I had some cherry pie... it was so good! but I didn't eat any chocolate!
We ended the night watching the Habs hockey game... and they won! They were 6-1 but finished 7-5... at least it's a victory!
Today... another busy day. My Visiting Teachers are coming, another sister is coming to bring me the stuff to make apple crisp for the Relief Activity on Thursday.... then I have the evening free because Evan is going to the gym and he's taking the kids with him... so I'll have my cardio session and organize this house!!!! clean, clean, clean... I get free time and that's what I do!!! The joys of being a house wife!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Double Walk.....

So I feel better about my meal plans for this week, and since I missed my cardio session on Friday, I've determined I would go out in the mornings just before Evan goes to work.
So I did today... I had my cardio session this morning, though I could barely move my legs from monday's meeting with my trainer... Let me say it was soo hard!! She raised my weights and raised the repetitions too... and when it was time for abs, she had me doing 90 abs X3 sets!!!! Yes... I can't really walk, but I went out and did my speed walk 30 min this morning.... very proud of my self!
Since it is spring break, Carmen didn't have ballet so to have her do something fun we went on yet another walk for me to a park we had never been before, that I found on my last week's walk amongst the woods...

I had fun taking pictures of her, Evan fell asleep inthe stroller so he missed the fun :(
And we walked back again before it started raining...
It is so pretty around here... I love it!
Carmne walked all the way there, and all the way back... except when she made me push them both in the stroller in the super steep hill close to our house... so nice of her!:D

There is this little farm where my dad, Carmen and I used to walk to when I was still pregnant with Evan... but they don't have animals now ... Surprisingly Carmen remembered being there with "el abuelo de Espanya" ( that's how she calls my dad).

And then this little cabin, built in 1872... that to 1400's villages of Spain!!! hahaha
And of course, note Carmen not missing one picture! and always posing saying a big CHEESE!!

Monday, March 17, 2008


El viernes las mujeres jovenes del barrio montaron una cena para recaudar fondos para su campamento de verano... Nos pidieron un par de actuaciones, asi q Evan yo preparamos la de "When the Stars go Blue", yo cante " Save me from Myself"... no es q me crea Christina Aguilera, pero es una cancion preciosa para cantar asi en acustico... y Evan canto una de las suyas "Inglaterra" donde nos conocimos... la escribio en su mision y es una de mis favoritisimas...creo q la canto en nuestra boda alli en Espanya.
Carmen estaba guapisima... por fin me dejo hacerla algo diferente en el pelo... y estaba guapisima! En plena actuacion se subio al escenario y se puso a bailar en medio de mi cancion... me robo el show!!!jajjajaja...pero mejor q se fijaran en ella no en mi... porque se me olvido la letra en mitad de cancion y quede fatal....
Asi es como estaba Carmen... posando para mi mientras tenia su snack antes de la fiesta...

La dio tiempo a jugar un poco...

Pero asi se le quedo la cara cuando era hora de irse...

Ahora siempre quiere vestrise sola... y aunque tarda el doble es todo un logro para ella...
Aqui esta poniendose los zapatos.

Me encanta mi minya...Como esta creciendo!! Y lo lista q es! Habra salido a su madre!!jajajaja
El sabado por la manyana al gimnasio... q dolor de culo de la bici!!
Despues unas pocas de compras y nos pillamos unos rolls de sushi!!! me puse las botas! es una adiccion ahora...
Y me puse a hacer un par de tortillas de patatas para llevar a la BBQ q se montaron los del grupo de latinos q conoci hace un par de semanas.
Se supone q solo debo comer carne roja una vez a la semana y ya habia tenido mi dosis semanal, pero me meti otro poco de steak esa noche...
Tb me han dado 4 horas en el finde cuando puedo comer lo que quiera... asi q me meti un trozo de mi tortilla... y estaba genial...
Y de postre un pastel de chocolate... y no me resisti... le robe un poco a Carmen del suyo...
Ayer en la actividad de la capilla pusieron una fuente de chocolate... de foundue, con esponjas y fruta para mojar... y como sabia q tenia esta fiesta el sabado pues me aguante y no probe el chocolate el viernes pero el sabado no paso!
Ayer domingo tuvimos a los elderes en casa, despues de irse de visitas con mi marido, vienieron a casa y nos dieron el mensaje y se fueron con un pollo asado q les hice.
Tb estuvimos un rato de visita con nuestros vecinos q nos dejaron la pelicula de " No Reservations" y nos la tragamos esa misma noche.... la verdad q me encanto! Pero no me han dado ganas de ser chef ;)
Hoy al gimnasio... a ver q me dice mi entrenadora... Ya os contare manyana!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

lo voy a contar todo

Si no os importa vais a tener q tragaros todos mis pinitos en esto de mi transformacion.
Pues ya sabeis el lunes al gimnasio 20 minutos cardio, luego a levantar pesas, abdominales 120 repeticiones, y termine con 15 min mas de cardio.
La dieta la lleve bien, pero tuve q obligarme a mi misma a comer entre comidas. El agua tb bien ( 7 vasos de los 8 q debo) esta mal.
Ayer martes de relax. Estoy muy orgullosa de mi misma porque fui a una BABY SHOWER y pusieron algo para picar pero no cedi a la tentacion... la verdad q me quede con las ganas de probar ese dip de alcachofas ( mas que nada queso filadelfia...asi q prohibido!) y esos brownies q tenian una pinta!!! Pero no, no comi nada, me trague mis dos vasitos de agua y tan pancha.
Hoy miercoles Evan trabaja de tarde asi q ha estado esta manyana en casa... y yo me he ido a dar mi caminata. 40 minutos y genial. Me ha dado el aire, escuchando mi musiquita... y cantando a pleno pulmon entre estos bosque ... bueno, es un decir porque con tanta cuestecita estaba sin aliento :)
Manyana tengo una sesion con mi entrenadora ... asi q me va a poner las pilas :{
Los viernes tb tengo q salir a andar y el sabado de vuelta al gimnasio.
Asi q asi se presenta mi vida.
Esto es lo q tengo q hacer... y por lo menos he empezado con buen pie.
En fin amigas... espero q me dure esta euforia... pero igual q tengo q "rendirle cuentas" a mi entrenadora, tb lo comparto con vosotras...q me vais a tratar mejor!! jajaja
Gracias, de verdad...

Monday, March 10, 2008

My 12 Week transformation begins.... TODAY!

That's right... start giving your good byes to the "old and fat" Esther...
I enrolled in this program at my gym, and I have all the intention for this to be it! ...This is the end of the old fat me.
I know my weight, my meassurements, my body fat... and I know my diet, my exercise program...and I"M READY!
My goal is to loose 30 to 35 pounds of fat. I have 3 months to do it... and I'm determined! I might not stop there... we'll see. It all depends of how much I like myself then.
What it's for sure is that I'm not stopping untill I'm confident with my body, healthy and satisfied.
I have to get before and after pictures...but you'll only get to see the after ones!!! There is NO WAY I'm posting a bikini picture here! jajajaja... I still have my pride!
But you'll see... I'm soooo excited!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

~~~ Bautizo de Sofia Mercedes ~~~

Evan conocio a esta pareja (Yamma y Chris) a traves de su trabajo anterior cuando hacia de planificador financiero. Eran unos clientes suyos. Pero se han convertido en amigos... y a parte, ella es de Cuba y me cae genial, asi q de vez en cuando quedamos para salir por ahi.
Pues han tenido una nena y fuios a su bautizo... para mi todo un honor q nos invitaran.
Pues la ninya es preciosa!!!
Despues de la misa... (q si no lo digo exploto: nunca antes habia prestado atencion a las palabras q se dicen en los bautizos catolicos... pero q hacen un mini exorcismo... flipante!! unos seres tan puros q vienen de la presencia de Nuestro Padre Celestial... como van a tener espiritus inmundos!!)... tuvieron una cena en la casa de los abuelos. Alli conoci a un monton de Latinos...q ilusion!!! Un monton de gente super maja! Ya hemos intercambiado telefonos para quedar y eso... q ilusion peris!! q bien me lo pase alli en unas horas con gente Latina... y todos enamorados de mis ninyos...y como no, ellos se hacian querer! Como no les gusta nada la atencion!!jejejeje

Recepcion en Nanaimo...

Pues una fiesta mas para este fin de semana... q final de mes!!! Y Abril se presenta peor :{
La recepcion genial... una hermana de la Iglesia q lleva un catering nos monto una cena de comida mexicana... y nada la decoracion muy sencillita, ya sabeis las bodas aki no son extravagantes.
Los hermanos Clarke siempre hacen alguna cancion graciosilla para todas las bodas de los hermanos, y como no, no falto la de esta boda. Mi marido, q si le conocierais os meabais con el. Tiene una imaginacion! y el don de chincharte hasta no poder mas!
Luego Sara y Amy las hermanas tb cantaron una cancion.
Tuvieron el tipico slideshow con fotos de ellos de su ninyez y del tiempo q han pasado juntos.

Luego el baile... Carmen no paro... Y Evan tampoco!

Esta es la nueva expresion de Carmen...estoy muy orgullosa de haberla captado en camara...
Dice alguna tonteria y luego dice: "Just kidding" o "I'm so funny" y con esa mocion de manos... me meo! She thins she is hillarious... and she is!

Y la tarta!!!
La misma hermana q me hizo a mi el mio les ha hecho esta... de chocolate con chocolate blanco tb... riquisimo!

Friday, March 7, 2008

*** Bath Time ***

This morning Carmen wanted to have a bath... she said she was sticky... And I bet she was...
Because we got home so late the only thing I could do was change her into her pijamas... after all day of puking and playing with manure amongst everything else.
So Evan joined her...
and this was the picture of them both waiting for the bathtub to fill up...

By the way... those band-aids in Carmen's face it was nothing. She felt down on the ferry face first and had a little red mark but apparently it hurt her so she found them and put them on herself... so smart!

~~~ Bethany's Sealing ~~~

Ayer me levante a las 6 de la manyana para ir al templo de Seattle para la boda de Bethany, la hermana de Evan.
La preparacion para este viaje es toda una odisea, los pasaportes...( dentro de dos anyos tendremos el nuestro aki en Vancouver, sin tener q pasar por fronteras ni rollos!), la ropa para cambiarnos, car seats, snacks, panyales, camara, RECOMENDACION! ( q mas de una vez me ha pasado q no la llevaba!)... en fin todas esas cosas.
Pues aun llevando todo eso, ha sido un viaje de lo mas exasperante!
Cruzamos la frontera bien, sin problemas me dieron la visa ( si hijas, aunque solo por un dia tengo q pagar para una visa).
Mi hijo lloro todo el camino porque no le gusta para nada estar todo restringido en su sillita, Carmen lo usual...q no para de hablar...yo con un dolor de cabeza!
Pues paramos a comer algo y para empezar los pantalones de Evan todo mojados de pis... y Carmen se pone a vomitar en medio del restaurante...ideal!
Luego a las prisas para llegar al sellamiento porque era media hora antes delo q pensabamos!
Me cambie corriendo...Evan al verme salir empezo a llorar, pero ahi le deje... sali de escapada.
El sellamiento genial... uno de los mejores de los q he presenciado.
Y ya afuera, esperando... a sacar fotos!!

Carmen con sus primos de Utah Ryan y Christian, y su prima Madeline y Michaela.

Parece ser q le cogio carinyo a este!

Aqui mis queridos ... Guapisimos!

Mi suegro, el hermano de Ben ( el novio) y el padre de Ben.



El feliz padre de la novia y Bethany!

Las damas y los "damos" peluquera, hermanas.... se les ve el parecido, verdad???

Las dos gemelas!
Amy y Bethany

Y mientras yo estaba sacando fotos, Evan supuestamente estaba cuidando de los ninyos...pero esto es lo q estaban haciendo... jugando con las plantas y el estiercol!!!

Aproveche y me compre garmens... q ilusion nuevo underwear!!! Ya ves...
Y tb nos compramos un ,monton de videos de la Iglesia, de dibujos par alos ninyos, libros de musica y algo mas.
Nos fuimos todos a cenar a un buffet pero fue comer y salir corriendo para no perder el ferry de las 9'15.
Y lo cogimos! O sea q llegamos a casa a la una y pico... Estoy rendidisima! Y esta noche es la recepcion... asi q de fiesta otra vez!!! Yo ya no estoy para estos trotes!!! QUien me ha visto y quien me ve!
Asi q mas fotos esta noche!! jejeje y si... habra algunas mias ok???