Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yesterday we had a busy day...
In the morning Sara came and we went to a pre-school group... I've been looking for places to take Carmen so she can get use to a routine and a schedule and learning from somebody else and also to being taught in English.
So we found this group... and it was great! The leader there was amazing, really, AMAZING! A woman that you can tell she loves what she does and she does it the best she knows it has to be done... and they do it for free!! yes, free! that's great!
The most important thing is that Carmen loved it and Evan did too... they were very interested in everything and followed along in some of the songs... it was fun for me to see them too.
So a friend gave me a double stroller and even though it is a bit far from where I live (but the weather is starting to be nicer) I'll go for a walk 3 days a week and I'll take them there for a couple of hours... I'm so excited!
Here are some pictures...

Carmen looking fabulous!

She seemed to love this bird puppets... of course they made this very annoying sounds that of course she loved!

Evan loved this "pulpo"... he sounds so cute when he says it!
And note how little we cut from his front hair... just enough so he can see :D

And this is Sara's boy, ADRIEL!
For some reason when Carmen says his name she ends it in a T... sounds something like ARIET!

Evan didn't work this afternoon. So when he got home we took Carmen to ballet, the baby fell asleep on the car and we went out for lunch. It was nice to be "alone" with Evan.
We talked a lot... you guys might not know, but we've struggled a lot. We are fighting for our marriage and it gets hard at times... so things like just talking without interruptions help a lot!
We planned things for the future and I'm very excited...
When we got Carmen back from ballet, she fell asleep on the car so did Evan so we all had a nice nap.
After that Evan took Carmen to a park while the baby and I went grocery shopping. We got home, had dinner and Evan left to play ice hockey with his team. They have a tournament this weekend... I hope they win!
So I was on my own to put the kids to bed, but it is not too bad. They watch a show on TV, we read the scriptures, we say a prayer and we go to bed. Evan is the best one. Carmen always gets out of her room a couple times before she finally goes to sleep.
So to make time until Evan got home, I had my TV session too... American Idol... I called it! I knew Chikezie was leaving!... America's next top model... The bachelor.... and Project runway Canada...
I woke up early and took Evan out with me for my walk.
I didn't do any exercice yesterday and tonight I'm not going to the gym cuz I have a relief society activity... so I'll squeeze some gym tomorrow... hopefully...


{irene} said...

Si guapa, no dejes de ir al gym!...te has pesado ya?...has perdido algo?...bueno mari, lo importante es la constancia...asi que dale duro..Me encanta la foto de Carmen con ese "peazo" de sombrero....

Lara said...

tia me alegro que sigas tan motivada con lo del gym..yo he salido hoy tarde del curro (2 horas mas tarde) y antes de ir a casa he pasao por el gym y me he dicho "esta por Esther!" y ale asi q tengo ahora las piernas q me las quiero cortar...
Y me parece muy bien q tu y Evan tuvierais tiempo para vosotros q es muy importante, q con el dia a dia hay dedicar tiempo a nuestras relaciones...

Tania Jabonero said...

Que alegria!!!!! que Carmen puedas ir a esos programas del gobierno son lo mejor!!!!!!!! para los nenes y para ti , ya vas a socializar mas! que bendicion lo del stroller!! joe guapa eh??
lo del gym sigue adelante, pero teniendo las prioridades claras, muy bien!!!!!!!

silvia said...

que guapos ¿vais a venir a EspaƱa?, molaria verles, bueno y a ti...

Brittney said...

Wow, I'm jealous. I'd love to be able to find a preschool group like that. I love Evan's hair, by the way. We never give our boys' hair a chance to grow out, but I love the long curls!!