Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Una De Cal Y Otra De Arena

El domingo q bonito todo... y al dia siguiente q pelea!!
En serio me dieron ganas de sentarme al ordenador y hacerme la reserva de avion e irme a Espanya!
Lo normal... se anfada el, me enfado yo y no podemos hablar.... luego se calma, me calmo y podemos comunicarnos mejor.
El asunto en cuestion??? Pues q quiero volver a estudiar...

y se agobia...porq claro me tendria q ayudar....y es otra cosa mas q hacer... tiempo q no pasaria con mis hijos... ni con el...si apenas nos vemos durante la semana. O tendriamos q buscar a alguien q cuidara de mis hijos... y claro, cuidar de mis hijos es mi responsabilidad.
Luego q si estudio... despues vendria trabajar....
Y yo q solo queria q me ayudara a ver las opciones de como podria estudiar lo q me gusta...
La verdad es q soy feliz cuidando de mis hijos...me siento totalmente satisfecha. Tampoco es q necesitemos q yo trabaje...economicamente con su sueldo tenemos de sobra y eso es una bendicion... no muchas madres tienen la bendicion de poder pasar todo el tiempo del mundo con sus hijos, como yo. Y por ahora q son tan pequenyos... lo que quiero es estar con ellos y ensenyarles todo lo que puedo y darles todo el carinyo y la atencion de madre que necesitan.
Quizas cuando empiecen el cole... pero como no solo vy a tener estos dos, sino q vamos a ir a por mas... no se cuando tendre tiempo para una carrera... y si no...tendra q ser por correspondencia... y no tienen los cursos q quiero por correspondencia...
En fin... como lo haceis vosotras madres para compaginar familia y estudios o carrera sin que sufra la familia??

Monday, November 26, 2007

Beautiful Sunday!

While some of us are making cupcakes on Sunday...others like me have no time to rest... isn't it call el Dia de Reposo????...I guess not for me....
Even though Church starts a t 1 pm in my ward, I barely have the time to get everything ready. And I even give the babies a bath the night before so there is one thing less to do in the morning!
Preparing breakfast...cleaning up breakfast, making some kind of lunch, and preparing some kind of snack for Church, plus books, toys, bottle...plus dressing them...doing Carmen's hair..( she looked so beautiful yesterday! She lets me do her hair now and she actually keeps it for a long time. I also changed her earrings yesterday. Tania gave her a pair of gold earrings when she was born in the shape of little dolphins with a zirconium as eye and she LOVES them. She also wore the necklace of the mustard seed inside a heart that comes with a little plaque with the scripture on faith that grandma Vilma got her. When we got to Church she showed everybody...very proud of what she got....anyway... sorry, any excuse to brag about how cute my daughter is! :D)
Then..I have to get ready myself..and that takes a long time...I guess if I was naturally beautiful wouldn't take me that long!! hehehe
So every Sunday morning is stress time for me...and I always feel like I forget something...like yesterday I never put on parfume...nor EARRINGS!!!! Crime! I know! I feel like boy without earrings!
But... get ready this is another bragging time... this time is about my husband!... First I'll say that we got to Church 15 min earlier...shocker! we are always late! So I had some time to visit with Vanessa Hobbs, just chatting playing with the babes... and Evan was sitting playing with his PDA...and I say playing because he has games on it...and he always plays games when at Church. So one time I look at him...and he gives me this cheecky smile...that it could only mean: "I'm naughty!". So he gets asked to bless Sacrament... I particularly don't like that cos it means I'm left alone to deal with both kids until after sacrament... thus the whole paraphernalia I have to take with me to Church to keep them entertained!
But... before he goes to sit down at the Sacrament table he gives me his PDA...there was something for me to read... it said something like this:
"Dear Esther:
You looked so beautiful on friday night... and yesterday...and you even look more beautiful today.... because your inner beauty shining forth!....'
He actually said that I look hot!! He always tells me I look hot...even when I just wake up, with my wild hair.... dried drool on my mouth... love blinds!...
And then again tonight...at Choir when I was singing my solo he was checking me out, making comments on my butt... saying I looked hot...and people could hear!!! ...he embarrasses me like that!... But I love him for that too!
I love him cos he always sees the most little detail about me and tells me about it, and compliments me all the time... it feels great to be admired by your husband... the person I want too impress above anybody else.... the one I want to see me at my very best...and he does... and not just physically...but in every aspect of me.
So all and all... he made of my Sunday ...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

En espanyol...y mas cositas

Ok... me vas a hacer traducirlo todo???? es q es largisima...pero ok! Va por ti Silvia!
No he escrito nada en mi blog solo porque tenia el ordenador pocho... pero ya parece estar todo bajo control...
Os cuento de mi baby Evan... hace muchisimo q no daba un reporte de todas las cosas q hace...
Se dice q los ninyos q crecen aprendiendo dos idiomas tardan mas en hablar... pero tanto Carmen como Evan empezaron ya a decir cositas antes de los 12 meses.
Sus primeras palabras han sido: mama ( lo cual me llena de algria ya q Carmen dijo papa primero( y lo creais o no dice gracias.... mas bien su propia version q suena mas como "sasias"...es riquisimo!. Siempre q me ve en la cocina y me ve preparando algo de comer se me acerca y no me deja en paz hasta q le doy un trozo y me dice"sasias" y sale corriendo super contento... me lo comia!
Ahora dice mas cositas...papa, agua, leche, bien!!! y se aplaude el solo... dice de nada...mas bien "nena-a" ( es q hay cosas q solo las madres entendemos), dice Amen al terminar las oraciones...toe toes y bye ( creo q son las unicas en ingles q dice por ahora)... y cuando come algo q le gusta hace :Mmmmmmmmhhhhhh.
Le encanta ir montado a caballito... cada vez q me ve tumbada se me tria encima y empieza a votar como loco! Le encanta mirarse en el espejo y cuando se ve dice: guapo! y a veces coje el cepillo y me peina y dice: guapa!
Me da los mas deliciosos besos... tenemos las mas interesantes conversaciones...el dice no ( su palabra favorita) y yo digo si...y asi mil veces y cada vez mas deprisa....
Hace los sonidos del guagua, del gato, cerdo y de la vaca...para el resto de los animales hace el sonido del cerdo. jejeje.
Acaba de aprender a decir Loca, loca , loca... se lo dice a Carmen cada vez q la da por empezar a gritar... y se lleva el dedo a la cabeza...me meo con el!
Le encanta la musica, cada vez q escucha musica, ya sea en los anuncios...o incluso al sonar el movil...empieza a bailar!
Tambien acaba de empezar a cantar...super gracioso...por supuesto q no le da a la nota, pero si empiezas a cantar la de "twinkle twinkle little star....te sigue, y al terminar dice: bien!!! y aplaude!
Por supuesto hay mas cosas q me enamoran cada dia mas de el...pero con estas ya os haceis una idea de lo bien q me lo paso con mi hijo...pero no os podeis ni hacer ala idea de lo mucho q lo amo... es un ninyo muy especial para mi... se que lo tuve muy rapido despues de tener a Carmen...pero Dios asi lo quiso...y gracias le doy por mandarmelo!
Tenerle es una de las mayores bendiciones de mi vida. No entendia muy bien por q no podia haber esperado un poco mas...pero las impresiones del Espiritu fueron muy fuertes y obedeci... confiando en q el Senor me mostrarria el por q... Y asi ha sido. Durante mi embarazo pase una prueba muy grande y el fue mi inspiracion par aseguir adelante con fe....y desde q nacio no me he sentido mas llena de amor... amor por el...y de amor de el por mi...
Tengo un testimonio fuertisimo de q fue el plan de Dios. Q el sabia q iba a necesitar este angel q tengo por hijo.
No tengo ninguna duda de q los hijos no son una carga...
sino una grandisima bendicion!!
Asi q espero q Dios me llene de bendiciones como estas!

Friday, November 16, 2007

what did we do before computers...or interent???

I've been unable to enjoy my computer for the last few weeks... since my husband decided to "fix it", it hasn't stopped breaking up... I would start writing and it would just turn off on me! I must say it made me nuts... But now, after taking off the new ram Ev got for it...it seems to work fine...
It is just what I said it would happen... you start touching and it would do more bad than good.
I think we'll get a new computer soon, though. This one we have is so loud...it sounds like it is going to take off soon! Plus it comes from the famous office where Evan used to work at back in the day.
So that is the reason I haven't been able to post anything over here... But...you deserve an update!
SO...I start saying:
Evan Jr is so cute... I realized I never wrote down that things he says now....
I understand that children that grow up with two languages take longer to speak. My mom says that I started talking after 9 months ( and I haven't stopped since :D)... and my children even though they are learning two, they both started saying thins before 12 months.
Evan's first words were mama... ( unlike Carmen that said papa first :( ) ... and believe it or not...'gracias"...or his version of it that sounds more like " sasias"...but soooo cute when he says it. That is when I'm preparing something to eat and he is begging me for some, so I finally bend down and give him a piece and he says : "sasias" and runs off so happy! I love it!.
He says more things now...like papa, de nada ( that sounds more like "nena-a") he says amen at the end of our prayers, he says toe toes... hola... and waves goodbye... agua, leche... I ask him: te gusta?..and he goes :Mmmmmmmmmmhh.
He loves getting on top of you and start ridding you like a horse... whenever I'm laying down, he thinks is horsie time!
He says up, up... caca, he gives the most delicious kisses... he makes the noises of dogs, and cats, and cows nad pigs... the rest of the animals... he just does the pig sound! hehehe.
He and I have the longest conversations...he says NO and I say YES back and forth like a thousand times! Faster and faster too...it is hilarious!
He just learned to say : loca, loca, loca... that's to Carmen when she just screams out of the blue...so he says that, and does the finger motion in his head...
I put on music and I say: Baila nene.!... and he starts dancing...so cute!
One thing he just started doing is singing!!! Carmen's favorite song is "twinkle twinkle little star"... well, I think he has heard it so many times that he knows it now, and if you start singing it he joins you and at the end he says : Bieeeen!!! and starts clapping!
So there!
My pride and joy!!!
Apart from being so handsome, he is so smart!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Broken Camera

My camera broke down on us Friday night.... :(
We took it in( good thing we bought the 3 year warranty) to fix it...and we are going to be "cameraless" for 4-6 weeks. Dang! It sucks... I'm just hoping I'll get it back before X-mas!! I f we don't we get a brand new camera for free... So anyway...I still have to post some pictures from Halloween. I still haven't download them into the computer because my husband has been "fixing" the computer... Why is it that we can't get in Future Shop without leaving with something in our hands??? And of course it's something that Evan wants...not a need...but a want!! he says Future Shop is the Toys'rus for adults... after all they are just like kids! ( even worse sometimes, because they have access to money!!)
Yeah...so this time we got a new hard drive and some extra RAM... so that's what Evan has been doing this last week...backing up stuff and adding new stuff...
But I will post them soon...promise!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Mis amigas....

Mil gracias a cada una de vosotras... Irene, Silvia, Patricia, Lara, Marta, Lorena... No sabeis lo q supone para mi vuestra amistad...
Os iba a escribir un mensaje a cada una...pero lo hago aki en "publico" para todas...
Os quieo muchisimo...es cierto q con alguans he pasado mas experiencias q con otras...pero os adoro a todas...os admiro a todas...sois un gran ejemplo para mi... aprendo muchisimo de todos vuestros comentarios... me dan mucho animo.
Para mi es una gran alegria poder compartir mis pensamientos, mi dia a dia con vosotras... saber q aunque os tenga tan lejos...estamos unidas en esto del Blog... bendito blog!:D
Me alegro muchisimo por todo lo que habeis conseguido en la vida... la de bendiciones que habeis recibido... en lo que os habeis convertido...
Como mujeres...sois lo mejor de lo mejor... y esta asociacion con vosotras para mi es un privilegio.
De todo corazon...

Os quiero!