Monday, November 26, 2007

Beautiful Sunday!

While some of us are making cupcakes on Sunday...others like me have no time to rest... isn't it call el Dia de Reposo????...I guess not for me....
Even though Church starts a t 1 pm in my ward, I barely have the time to get everything ready. And I even give the babies a bath the night before so there is one thing less to do in the morning!
Preparing up breakfast, making some kind of lunch, and preparing some kind of snack for Church, plus books, toys, dressing them...doing Carmen's hair..( she looked so beautiful yesterday! She lets me do her hair now and she actually keeps it for a long time. I also changed her earrings yesterday. Tania gave her a pair of gold earrings when she was born in the shape of little dolphins with a zirconium as eye and she LOVES them. She also wore the necklace of the mustard seed inside a heart that comes with a little plaque with the scripture on faith that grandma Vilma got her. When we got to Church she showed everybody...very proud of what she got....anyway... sorry, any excuse to brag about how cute my daughter is! :D)
Then..I have to get ready myself..and that takes a long time...I guess if I was naturally beautiful wouldn't take me that long!! hehehe
So every Sunday morning is stress time for me...and I always feel like I forget yesterday I never put on parfume...nor EARRINGS!!!! Crime! I know! I feel like boy without earrings!
But... get ready this is another bragging time... this time is about my husband!... First I'll say that we got to Church 15 min earlier...shocker! we are always late! So I had some time to visit with Vanessa Hobbs, just chatting playing with the babes... and Evan was sitting playing with his PDA...and I say playing because he has games on it...and he always plays games when at Church. So one time I look at him...and he gives me this cheecky smile...that it could only mean: "I'm naughty!". So he gets asked to bless Sacrament... I particularly don't like that cos it means I'm left alone to deal with both kids until after sacrament... thus the whole paraphernalia I have to take with me to Church to keep them entertained!
But... before he goes to sit down at the Sacrament table he gives me his PDA...there was something for me to read... it said something like this:
"Dear Esther:
You looked so beautiful on friday night... and yesterday...and you even look more beautiful today.... because your inner beauty shining forth!....'
He actually said that I look hot!! He always tells me I look hot...even when I just wake up, with my wild hair.... dried drool on my mouth... love blinds!...
And then again Choir when I was singing my solo he was checking me out, making comments on my butt... saying I looked hot...and people could hear!!! ...he embarrasses me like that!... But I love him for that too!
I love him cos he always sees the most little detail about me and tells me about it, and compliments me all the time... it feels great to be admired by your husband... the person I want too impress above anybody else.... the one I want to see me at my very best...and he does... and not just physically...but in every aspect of me.
So all and all... he made of my Sunday ...


Marta F. Rebollos said...

aaggghhh!!! Qué cosa tan bonita!!! Pero qué suerte tienes. No te mereces otra cosa :)
Yo creo que la belleza natural te sobra. En cuanto a lo de sentarte sola en la Sacramental, también me suena. Imagínate, enjamín lleva 4 años y medio como obispo más otros 3 y medio como consejero, o sea, que para mí lo que me resulta raro es sentarme con él en alguna reunión :(
Me encanta lo que cuentas y me alegro por ti... viva la llama de la pasión!!! jejeje

lorena said...

Pequeños detalles como esos son los que hacen que el amor tenga chispa cada día. Te sentirás muy afortunada. Me alegro mucho que en esas pequeñas cosas te vaya tan bien!

Lara said...

Ays reina que bonito! La verdad es que te entiendo perfectamente...Yo acostumbrada a estar toda "puesta" cuando salia con Brad y claro, de repente el amor de tu vida te ve con legañas, sin esos pantalones que esconden cualquier defecto, sin maquillaje y en tus momentos mas vulnerables!! y yo lo flipo cuando de repente me dice que estoy muy guapa cuando estoy enfrente de la tele en pijama y con restos de chips and salsa desde la boca a la camiseta... La verdad que el estar casada con maridos tan increibles es maravilloso!!

The Redhead said...

Ester- I dont know if you remember me but I am a friend of Irenes and I found your blog on her blog. I read your post about Sundays and how stressful it is to get yourself plus 2 kids ready and trying to entertain them during the 3 hours is sooooo hard!! I totally understand how you feel. Anyway, you have a cute family. Just thought Id say hello, you are adorable!

The Redhead said...

I dont know if you remember me but I am Irenes friend and I met you in Spain and here in Utah. I just want you to know that I can totally sympathize with you about Sundays not really being a day of rest, at least not in the morning. I also have 2 kids to get ready and it is so hard and then trying to bring snacks and books and stuff to entertain them for 3 hours is sooooo much work. Its crazy!!!! Im so glad your husband realizes how beautiful you are, how sweet. You have a beautiful family. I found your blog from Irenes blog and just thought Id say hi and let you know that Sundays are crazy for us too!!!