Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let us have INTEGRITY and not write checks with our tongues which our conduct cannot cash

One good quote from one of my favorite Apostles, Elder Neal Ash Maxwell.
I had a good study yesterday that kept me looking for more and more. It began with Philippians 3 and I ended up reading lots of talks by this prophet, Elder Maxwell. I am so grateful for continuing revelation. The more I read, the clearer my understanding. It was gooooooood :D
My favorite verses:
"... I count all the things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win in Christ....
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"
(v.8, 14).

Today I read D&C 133. It talks about the Second Coming of our Saviour and the preparation for it. My favorite verse:
"... I have trodden the wine-press alone, and have brought judgement upon all people; and none were with me".
Elder Holland had a magnificent talk on this subject not long ago. It was amazing. As amazing as the Atonement is. As amazing as Jesus Christ, who partook of the most bitter cup without becoming bitter.
I think of how often we get hurt and become so obsessed about our pain, so worried about our own suffering, that we can't see the good in our lives, or be happy for the joy of others, or even worse, become even more hurt if WE, and our pain are not the center of everybody else's attention.
Jesus reached outwardly to others in lesser suffering, even in the midst of the most enormous suffering.
Neal A Maxwell shared a quote form Anne Morrow Lindbergh: "I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and the willingness to remain vulnerable".
I'm grateful that Jesus has experienced ALL suffering. How could I come to Him if He didn't know exactly how I feel ??? How could He understand me or comfort me if He hadn't experienced it Himself??? And He has... more that anyone!
It is very hard for me to tell you all that I've learned, all that I've experince, all the tesimonies I've received, all the times I've been comforted... I know I've been judged, many things have been said of me and the choices I've made, but I am most grateful because I've had the gift of EMPATHY. I've had ONE special person who has that gift. I can always trust that SHE knows. All she's experienced have given her the perceptivity, patience and love that is needed to give comfort and counsel. And I've been blessed by her....( Gracias PATRICIA! :D)

And of course, many thanks to all my friends who have , and still are praying for me and offering your love!
What could we do without friends!


Patrixjasyu said...

me estaba poniendo al día y acabo de verlo, ay cielo, eres la caña.
Una cosita, el desafío más duro, al final, es ese "willingness to remain open and vulnerable" sobre todo mientras las heridas aún duelen o están cicatrizando. Es incluso más difícil que perdonar.
Siempre me ha maravillado que el Señor, ¡mientras le crucificaban!, fuera capaz de pedir el perdón para quienes le herían porque "no sabían lo que hacían". ¿te lo imaginas? Ahora que estoy leyendo sobre el funcionamiento de la mente humana me doy cuenta de lo impresionante que es este episodio.
Y de lo mucho que enseña.
No, no es sólo sufrir, es trascender el sufrimiento.
Lo dicho: te quiero mucho!

Esther J. Clarke said...

Es interesante que tu seas la primera en comentar este post ( de hace un par de dias) quizas es muy largo y la penya se cansa de leer :D pero es que siempre se, que al menos TU captas el mensaje :D.... sera porque lo vivmos en "cannnnne" :D
Besazos, companyera!!