That's what Evan said when I told him about my plan to blog the scripture os the day....
Oh, well... I might not post it everyday, but I'll write it down so I won't forget to tell you about it, even if it is in a later day.
So today I looked for HEAL in the Topical Guide.
Last night I received a blessing. I am SICK of being SICK, so Evan actually asked me if I wanted one. I am happy he asked me, you know... I wasn't sure if I should "call upon the powers of Heaven" for a cold... but I SO wanted to be healed, so I got a blessing. I prayed before. I have faith but before blessings I always plead "Help Thou my Unbelief".
It was a miracle for me... after being sick for sooo long I immediately started to be able to breath normally. I even had a good sleep where I could breath thru my nose!! This morning it is better, but still congested. I think this will go away soon :D
So I read in Numbers 21 today, but I had a cross-reference to Jacob 4:14 that was great:
But behold, the Jews were a astiffnecked people; and they bdespised the words of cplainness, and dkilled the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their eblindness, whichfblindness came by looking beyond the gmark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they hcannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may istumble.
The part I like is that blindness comes from looking over the mark. Blind to the things of righteousness, to real and lasting happiness, to the truth... that's what we become when we look to anyone or anything else but CHRIST. That is my thought for the day.
Evan has his final test today and then he is off to yet another weekend away with training in the army.
So I'll miss him tonight, but I have good plans for tomorrow :D
No cooking no cleaning...all day away from home doing fun things, hanging out with family and friends... I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!! :D
Pues peri, a mi me encanta la idea!!!....y seguro que no soy solo yo la unica a la que le ayudan tus pensamientos espirituales!!!...besos!
la verdad!! justamente hoy he hecho una cosa muy fuerte en el Templo....perdir con fe y pedir una señal. Tengo hasta el final de la noche para k el Señor me la conceda!!! Veo con fe, y veo con milagros!
Thank you for your help!
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