Monday, January 25, 2010

Betty's Bash on "Bee"

Wow!! What a weekend! Evan worked and that makes things crazy!!!
It means a lot of driving back and forth...
He left on Saturday morning and took the car seats... made things a LOT crazier!
Good thing Laura came to the rescue, and did a LOT of driving to made it possible for us to go to the BIG b-day party!
I figured that I can't go to a party and not take pictures.... my sister doesn't like that.
So here.... some party pictures!
The b-day girl...born on the day I got married ( hard to forget!)
And Evan's grandpa's brother.
The ladies...
We took possesion of the couches :D
Evan's cousin Kevin, and Evan's auntie.
The gentlemen...
Jord, uncle Duncan and dad.
They took possesion of the other couches :D
My beautiful baby

My other beautiful baby...
he was all day entertained with the balloons...didn't even eat!
And wore his t-shirt backwards... he has to show the number 8 in the front!!!!

The babies...

The grown up babies...

Delanie's family... well, her and her boys :D

I'm glad we made it.
It was a nice party....
but still, I don't want to get to my 93rd birthday. I hope I don't make it that long. I wonder if I'd really cared when I am 90.... to be that old...
Anyway... it is amazing to me that she's made it.
Happy b-day to her.
I think she loved the party :D


lorena said...

Las fiestas en familia son lo mejor!! Isabel es toda una seƱorita, esta preciosa.

Patricia said...

pero k ricos mis sobris!! a evan le veo mas jamoncete no????? jolines como les echo de menos!

Sarahstottle said...

thanks for sharing all the pictures Esther! It would have been nice to go but...sometimes you just want to be with the hubby, you know? And I had just gone over there...