Friday, February 8, 2008

~~~ My Poor Carmen~~~~

She has been so sick this last three days... but today she is feeling better. She is playing and she is teasing her little brother, making so much noise... back to her normal self!!!
Believe it or not...I missed my crazy little girl!
They sent a cultive in to see if she has a bladder infection but the results are not until Sunday, so they will give me a call and then prescribe a treatment according to them.
It has been heart breaking to see her so powerless...
Evan gave her a blessing and that is really what has worked on her. In that moment I felt so useless, with nothing I could do to make it better than to pray and ask God to do something for her. And He has done it. He answered my prayers, the prayer of a worried mother but full of faith!
He has shown me one more time that He has all power and that He will use it for my benefit if I go to Him with humble heart and contrite spirit.
I so needed this experience. I felt like such a bad mother for not knowing what to do...but really I KNEW what to do: turn to a loving Heavenly Father.
It reminded me of the talk by Elder Oaks: good, better and best.
I feel I did the best thing I could do... pray and have faith; rely completely on God and trust in His promises... And He didn't let me down!!:D
Great lesson learned!


{irene} said...

Ay mi niña!!!...que penita da verles pachuchos, verdad?...y tia, que bendicion el tener el poder del Sacerdocio para este tipo de operacion de mi madre salio genial por lo mismo....

Marta F. Rebollos said...

Me alegro de que Carmen se encuentre mejor. Es verdad. El sacerdocio es la llave de bendiciones que vienen solo por medio de la fe. Es una bendición tenerlo en nuestros propios hogares.
Da mucha pena verlos tan apagados (hace una semana Clara tuvo amigdalitis y estuvo un día entero durmiendo; increíble!) pero es verdad que estas cosas nos recuerdan que dependemos del Señor y nos ayudan a acudir a Él y ejercer más fe.

lorena said...

Cuanto me alegro que se encuentre bien...La verdad es que una se siente un poco importente cuando les ves tan malitos y no sabes como calmer su dolor. Afortunadamente contamos con la bendición del Señor.

silvia said...

hay pobre, yo tengo a Leire terminando la gripe, pero lleva toda la semana sin ir al cole con fiebre, y ahra a recaido Iratxe, asi que falta Iker, seguro que le toca esta semana.

Lara said...

Me alegro q se encuentre mejor, y que Evan le diera una bendicion!
Nena, muchas gracias por llamar, me animaste la tarde la verdad. Un beso super fuerte y a ver cuando te pasas por UT
Mil gracias por todo!!
Te quiero nena!