Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Back to the Gym!!

And Fitness Edge it is!!! We joined last night, and today will be our first day... I'm excited!!!
I totally need a gym to work out. I've tried to do some crunches and exercises with the ball this month that I was "free"... but nothing! It doesn't work out for me. Plus I feel I've thrown my regimen all overboard this last month... between my super cheesecake (I ate most of it myself), and preparing nice desserts for all this last Sundays that I've got people over for dinner, and the cookies session that Carmen and I have had.... anything to keep her entertained... a treat for her and a treat for me too!!!
So... I'm going to sweat... a lot! I have to lose all the extra pounds... I am not 6 months pregnant so I don't want my weight to bet as if I was!
And I have to be back to normal before I get pregnant and then there will be really no hope for me :(
I am also excited because Evan is going with me. We are both very competitive people...so I know I will have to give my all to get better results than him.
My other motivations... SUMMER!, my sister's wedding in Utah ( I'm going to see a bunch of friends from the mission and last time they saw me I was pregnant so I don't want them to even wonder if I am again), my husbands 10 year graduation reunion... He was very "popular" you may say... lots of girls were after him, still go after him... so I want them to see he 's got a hottie for a wife...way out of their reach...hehehehe!


lorena said...

Ya verás como te vas a quedar divina de la muerte!! Y hay un régimen en el que puedes comer de todo, pero sin mezcarlo, porque eso es lo que engorda, mezclar ciertas comidas. Seguro que ya has oído hablar de esta dieta, se llama DIETA DISOCIADA y como ya te he dicho consiste en no mezclar comidas. Yo la he probado y funciona y todo el que la hace adelgaza!

Marta F. Rebollos said...

jajaja... vaya lobas! Di que sí, vete divina de la muerte y déjalas boquiabiertas... :)

{irene} said...

Eso Mari!!!!...todo sea por la boda!...tenemos que estar divinas de la muerte!..., pero peri..porque el verano?...la boda es en invierno, no?/...estoy confundida....

Esther J. Clarke said...

Peris!!! Lo de las diestas...q mal lo llevo!!!!si es q soy muy desorganizada y me salto comidas!!!!! y luego pues eso...los dulces q me pierden!!
Pero eso si... me ha encantado lo de DIVINA DE LA MUERTE!Y vamos... q no me queda otra con la panda de lobas q estan esperando ver a mi marido.... y la sorpresa q se van a llevar cuando le vean con una pedazo de esposa!!!
Y la boda es en invierno...pero el verano viene antes no???? Y kiero ensenyar palmito!!!!jeejjeje