Monday, December 22, 2008


Lleva toda la semana nevando...
Si, todo muy bonito, pero no se puede salir de casa... si queremos salir en coche hay q darle a la pala un rato y luego conducir con muchisimo cuidado.
El dia de mi cumple fuimos de compras y tardamos hora y media hasta mi casa, cuando normalemnte tardas 15 minutos.
En fin que con tanta nieve cancelaron la capilla el domingo pasado, pero este era el domingo en el q combinamos la Sacramental con el otro barrio q se reune en la misma capilla. Pues nos llamron para un entrevista con la presidencia de estaca... y es que nos vuelven a unir a los barrios!!! yo estoy contentisima! Mas ninyos en la primaria! y mas gente para llenar llamamientos! no mas domingos con 50 o 60 en la sacramental.
Los dos barrios unidos tenemos mas de 600 miembros... asi q tenemos un monton de trabajo q hacer. Pero la verdad q Q ILUSION!
La otra noticia es q ahora Evan es el SECRETARIO EJECUTIVO! El estaba muy contento con la direccion que llevaba en la presidencia del Quorum de Elderes, pero yo estoy encantada tb con su nuevo llamamiento.
Estoy encantada con nuestro nuevo Obispado y con todo todo todo.
Ya veremos si me dan algun llamamiento a mi :D

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mi Cumple...

Ayer fue mi cumple :D
28 anyitos, que se dicen pronto... pero si que han estado llenos de bendiciones.
Naci de buenos padres que me ensenaron lo mas importante que me podian haber ensenyado nunca. Que soy una hija de Dios. Un Dios que vive y me ama y que Jesus es Su hijo y mi Salvador.
Este conocimiento ha bendecido mi vida en tantas maneras.
Este conocimiento me ha ayudado a tomar decisiones correctas, que incluso desde el pasado bendicen mi futuro.
Tampoco han faltado desafios y pruebas y dolores... pero estan llenos de alegrias. Las primeras de mi lista: mis hijos. Los hijos que Dios me ha dado... superan mi entendimiento. Me pregunto que he hecho para merecerlos.... Soy feliz, me hacen feliz. Quien me lo hubiera dicho!

It was my birthday yesterday... 28 years!... 28 years filled with blessings.
I was born of goodly parents who taught me the best thing they could have ever taught me. That I am a child of God. A God that lives and that loves me. That JesusChrist is His son and my Savoiur..
This knowledge has blessed my life in so many ways. It has helped me to make correct choices, choices that even from the past are blessing my future.
I have not gone without pain and challenges, but happiness has been always in my life.
My greates joy: MY KIDS. The children that God has given to me. It surpases my understanding. I wonder what I have done to deserve them .... I am very happy, they make me very happy. Who would have told me!

Mi dia empezo con un poco de paz en mi casa... todos dormian asi q tuve un tiempecillo en la cama con mi maridin, hablando, riendo. La verdad es que es lo q mas me gusta. Estar en la cama en paz, con el calor de sus brazos. Y para desayunar... cinnamon rolls... un desayuno cargado de azucar... mis favoritos! :D
Espere a q Carmen se despertara para abrir mi regalo. Evan Jr ya le habia metido mano y estaba ya con el papel rasgado... no podian esperar a ver q era!... Pues era un set del perfume Nautica... y eso, pues le di mi mejor sonrisa! Yo uso el de Euphoria y no le gusta para nada... pues me ha tenido q regalar uno q le guste a el... Y claro, pues me pregunta si me gusta... pero el se responde solo... lo sabra dependiendo de cuanto lo uso.
En fin... q ya veremos en Navidad...

My day started peacefully. Everyone was sleeping so I had some time to cuddle in bed, talking and laughing. The truth is that that is my favorite thing in the world. To be in bed in the warmth of my baby's arms.... and for breakfast... cinnamon rolls... full of sugar... my kind of breakfast :D
I waited for Carmen to wake up to open my present. they had been dying to see what it was, Evan Jr had even torn some of the paper already.
It was a parfum gift set. Nautica.
I use Euphoria and Evan doesn't like it, so he ahd to get one HE liked. Oh well.. I gave him my best smile. He asked me if I liked it... he answered his own question: " I'll know if I see you using it"...
Christmas is going to be fun :{

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I forgot to say that to finish the day on a "good note" we were having some good Spanish hot chocolate with our neighbours at home when Evan goes into the room where they the kids were playing to find Evan Jr gushing blood from his mouth. I try to wash it all off trying to find where the blood was coming from... I was starting to panic a bit when it wouldn't just stop bleeding and then I find his teeth cut right thru his skin. I think we should go to the hospital cause the cut inside seemed big to me but since the bleeding stopped we diddn't go right away, but I still thought we should go just in case. Kids and open wounds...with infections and that I didn't want to take a chance.
ANyway...2 hours in the Hospital to say he didn't need anything...
Oh well... better save than sorry, I say :D

Monday, December 15, 2008

*** Snow Fun ***

Ya os dije q nevo como nunca... Carmen se acerca a la ventana y dice: La Navidad ya esta aqui!!! Ya viene Santa!
Pues el domingo nos cancelaron la capilla poruqe nadie podia mover sus coches...asi q salimos a hacer el tipico muneco de nieve pero la nieve no colaboro...asi q nos tiramos el monton de fotos.
Mis padres, por supuesto, no se lo creian... y tambien se animaron a salir un rato, pero tras la foto de rigor, se metieron rapido a casa :D

Mi marido, q es otro ninyo mas, se lio a pelas con los peques...

Parece ser q aqui se paso un poco y Evan le esta reganyando... esta guapisimo cuando te reganya...saca esos morritos y te mira con esos ojazos...

Pero luego te da un besazo, claro... hay que demostrar amor rapidamente, no vaya a ser q nos creamos q no nos quiere :D

Se lo pasaron DIVINO

Y la DIVINA tb se los paso bien :D

*** Baby Shower ***

It snowed like crazy on Friday morning, but I put my boots one and walked to the hairdresser to get a haircut.
Evan got home and wasn't impressed... apparently he really cares about hair...MY hair included. He wants to have a say, but I just don't care. I get too tired of my hair very often, so I cut it... I'm not going to ask him when or how I should cut it everytime.
Anyway, I like it... and for 10 bucks I like it even more. I'm just waiting now for the product to die it... just dark brown....
So Saturday morning we had the BABY SHOWER. My friend Aimee got everything ready, we thought about canceling it because of the snow, but it turned out ok.
My friend Yamma ( from Cuba) came too. I prepared copies of the Family: A Proclamation to the world to those who were not members so I'm glad that I had 3 there to give them to.
We played games ... we had lots of presents...

Isabel slept the whole time....

And the food was SOOOOO GOOD!
My mom made tortillas... and pastelitos... YUMMMO!

And Aimee made the cutest little cake

So... that was it... we celebrated the birth of ISABEL... I really celebrate it everyday.
Every morning and night I thank my Heavenly Father He gave her to me.
I love her.
I think being a mother feels better with time. I find that this being the third time around I can focus more on enjoying every little thing and being more understanding of the not very nice things that come with motherhood.
I am very happy... I am very happy I have the kids I have and that I had them when I had them. I am very happy that I feel the way I feel. I've been blessed to feel this way right from the first time I saw them, from the first time I held them.
They are so precious... I'm so privileged to have them.

Mount Benson Christmas Party

Having my parents over has pushed me to get in contact with latin friends so my parents could feel part of a conversation... and it has been great.
We've been able to hang out with a couple, and I've totally enjoyed it...even more so because they are not members and it gives me an opportunity to share the gospel with them.
Valewska and her family came to Isabel's blessing and they loved church. They also came to the baby shower. They made it to this dinner too. Veronica and Sergio ( a couple I met at a park) came to the dinner too, and we'll be having FHE with them soon.... I'm excited!
Anyway...some pictures here :D

Needless to say that they LOVED santa!
Carmen didn't hesitate when asked what she wanted for Christmas... BArbie MOvie!
My poor Evan just wanted the cnady cane they were giving :D

Fotos del cumple

Esta es Valewska, una amiga q acabo de conocer de Guatemala, con sus hijos Maya y Duran

Y estos son mis hijos con los pijamitas q les mando la tia Patri.
Carmen parece q esta poseida, pero bueno, no es muy lejos de la realidad especialmente cuando llega la hora de irse a dormir... hay dias q creo q necesito hacerme con una cruz y agua bendita...jajaja

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Letter to Santa

So yesterday I write the letter to my dear Santa, baby...
I'm feeling pretty confident that the stuff I wrote wouldn't confuse him too much and I'm hoping that he would actually get me something from the list...not something that he gets out of his sleeve that I'm probably NOT going to like...or even worse, that he'll get me something I've said in the past that I DON'T like... yes it has happened before.
So with this in mind I prepare a really nice list, very specific... and I give it to him and... first he doesn't even look at it ( ok, ok, my mistake, it was in the middle of a very intense hockey game, I should have known better) so I make him read it and this is what he tells me: "Isn't there something you like that is not centered on you physical appearance???"
Is there anything.... really?? :D
And what's wrong about liking clothes and jewelery??? I don't like video games, no! I don't want an ipod or lap tops.... I just want shoes and parfums!!!
Will he ever get it!!!???

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby Blessing... and grandpa's birthday!

Ayer domingo bendecimos a mi Isabel.
El nombre q se le dio fue
We had Isabel blessed yesterday and this is the name by which she'll be known in the world and in the Church:

Isabel DeAnna Jabonero Clarke
Si amigas... le tuve q chantajear a mi marido.... les vamos a poner a todos el nombre de Jabonero si no no me cambiaba yo a Clarke, asi q le convencio rapido :D
Fue muy especial tener a mi padre alli en el circulo. La primera ordenanza de uno de sus nietos en las q ha participado. Q honor!
Yes, my friends... I had to bribe Evan to let me put Jabonero in all my kids names now... if not I wouldn't change mine into Clarke, so he accepted really fast :D
It was really special to have my dad being in the circle. The first ordinance he's been in for one of his grand kids... what an honor!

Luego subio a dar su testimonio... Q espiritu! Yo alli traduciendo para el, pude ver las caras de la gente de mi barrio... todas llorando... a lagrima viva.
El testimonio de mi padre es muy poderoso, su espiritu lo lleva al corazon de los q lo oyen y ellos tambien saben q lo q dice es verdad. Q don tan especial!
La gente vino a darle las gracias por su testimonio y le daban la mano llorando... y ya q conoceis a mi padre sabeis ya tambien quien estaba llorando con ellos :D
Todos recuerdan cuando vino hace dos anyos, de cuando salio a dar su testimonio y les dejo con el mismo espiritu q han vuelto a sentir tambien esta vez.
He bore his testimony and since I was translating for him I could see the faces of the people in my ward...everyone was crying, so hard!
My dad's testimony is so powerful, His spirit carries it to the hearts of those who hear it and they too know that what he says it is true. What an especial gift he has!
People came after, crying to thank him for his testimony, and if you know my dad you know he was crying too... :D
Evey one remembers when he was here two years ago because he shared his testimony and they felt the same spirit they felt then.

En la sociedad de socorro dieron tiempo a testimonios y salieron dos hermanas a darme las gracias por tener hijos porque asi podian ver de nuevo a mis padres y sentir de sus espiritus. Otra me pidio q por favor tuviera mas para volver a ver a mis padres!...
En fin... hoy es el cumpleanyos de mi padre... de mi buen padre, q no es perfecto, pero es BUENO.
In Relief Society there was tiem for testimonies as well, and there were a couple of sisters that thanked me for having children so that my parents could come and they told me to have more so they could have my parents again and feel of their spirit :D
So today it is the b-day of my good father... not perfect, but he is GOOD.

Jabonero es parte de mi, un buen nombre, un nombre q tengo q honrar... un nombre q no puedo dejar de traspasarlo a mis hijos, para q cuando piensen en su nombre, piensen en su abuelo, y cuando le recuerden, recuerden sus obras, y cuando recuerden sus obras sepan q se dijo y se escribio de el, q era BUENO. ( Helaman 5:6... mi adaptacion, claro!)
Jabonero is such a part of me, my good name, a name for me to honor... a name I can't but pass it on to my kids. So that when they remeber their name they remeber their grandpa; and when they remeber him they remeber his works, ans when they remeber his works they may know how that it is said and also written that he was GOOD. ( Helaman 5:6... my adaptation of it, of course!)

Esta manyana se ha despertado Carmen y le ha llevado el regalo q le habiamos comprado ( una camisa blanca y corbata... si es q no pasa de sota, caballo y rey este hombre!) y yo desde mi cama, q estaba dandole el pecho a Isabel solo he escuchado de lejos... pero como si lo hubiera visto.... el corazon de mi padre, q se derrite con sus nietos!
Ahora se han ido de paseo con los mostruitos a comprar la comilona para la fiesta q le tenmos esta tarde... asi q ya pondre foticos :D
This morning Carmen woke up and took the present to my dad... I could only hear what happened from my room where I was nursing Isabel... but I could really see it... my dad's heart melting away with love for his grandchildren.
He is out now with them. They all went shopping for things for the party I'll put some pictures later :D

Friday, December 5, 2008

Some news....

Aqui van mas fotos de mi Isabel.
Estuve de sesion con ella para poner fotos en las invitaciones de Baby shower y tb para los anuncios de nacimiento... y la verdad q no coloboro mucho la tia, con lo q posa mi Carmen :D... pero ella como q no. Espero a q que terminaramos ( q se me gastaron las pilas y todo) a quedarse tranquilita delante de la camara.
Estas son varias... para q veais algunos de sus gestos... q son muy de ella :D

Y estas son las ganadoras.
Esta porque se la ve muy bien el color de sus ojos

Y esta porque me gusta a mi... con sus cachetones :D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No, sin mi madre!

El martes se fue mi madre... q penita. Y ni siquiera pude ver a mi padre... no os cuento todo el lio, pero le cambiaron el vuelo a ultima hora y se quedo en Vancouver con mis suegros. Asi q se fueron para Utah antes de verle.... en fin,... Carmen se quedo con las ganas de abuelo!
No lo llevo mal sin mi madre... pero claro, q echo de menos su ayuda. Esto solo me ha obligado a organizarme, y a Evan a poner mas de su parte. Pero la verdad, q estoy impresionada de lo bien q he llevado estos dos dias.... esperad a que llegue el noveno y ya estare q me subo por las paredes!.. y la mugre tb!!!jajjaja

Pues mas noticias de Isabel... la doctora piensa q es prematura, q en verdad salia de cuentas el 8 de Diciembre. Segun se esta comportando , da todos los sintomas de bebe prematuro. Lleva tres dias sin coger peso... y no veais como traga!
Ya me coje el pecho mas facilmente y mejor, pero como es cada dos tres horas...los tengo adoloridos!
Por lo menos ya tampoco me dan dolores de las contracciones de mi utero... y voy sangrando menos. Asi q no me puedo quejar... solo los dolores de cabeza por no dormir bien.. pero quien sabe cuando se va a terminar!
Por cierto q Carmen se ha ido a dormir estos dias sin su abuela y no ha costado nada... sin rechistar. Evan no ha sido tan facil, se levanta a media noche y viene a nuestra cama... anoche me dio pena, porque se cayo de la cama asi q no le llevamos de vuelta, pobre!
Isabel es perfecta. Saca los gases sin problemas, el color amarillito se le ha ido casi completamente, come bien, sonrie incluso giggles cuando duerme, le encata estar en brazos... te mira con esos ojazos super abiertos.... q creo q se le van a quedar azules, o del color de Carmen... ya veremos. Tiene las manos de mi madre. Los dedos super largos y las unyas preciosas.... bueno, q
mi ninya!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I can't get enough of her!

I tell you more about Isabel.
She's been with us for 6 days now, and though I had some (apparently crazy) expectations about having a baby in the house again it surpasses my imagination.
There is not as much peace as I was hoping for, but definitely she's brought a special spirit in.... you can feel it especially when you hold her, and look into her eyes.
She is yondas.... she lost lots ogf weight (went down to 6 lbs 7oz.) and turned a bit yellow, sleeps a lot..etc. She is coming out of it now... slowly. I have to wake her up and make her latch on every 2 hours... which means I don't get to sleep much, and my nipples hurt now.... beautiful.
But I'm loving every second of it, believe it or not, I wouldn't change it for the world! I cannot imagine not having a baby RIGHT NOW... not in 9 months from today not in a year...
God is wise .
I'm glad He is the one in charge in my life... When we submit to His will our lives are full of blessings...
And I got one more once again.

Oh... and a company that my husband gets some jobs from sent me this flowers.. pretty! I love flowers!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Isabel DeAnna Clarke

Tuesday 11th November 2008
at 8:49 pm.

Tuesday, a holiday... Remembrance day. We had lots of plans to do fun things together.
The night before I had been feeling horrible, painful contractions and nausea.
Before going to bed I told Evan I wasn't going to make it to our due date... not knowing that it was going to happen the next day.
Thank goodness I had a good sleep that night. I only had to go pee once, and when Evan Jr came running to our bed I felt asleep right away.
Around 6'30 I was going to turn when I felt a "leakage" and I jumped out of bed, went straight to the toilet and woke Evan up : "My water broke, Evan... my water just broke!"...
Ko's in a second...
I didn't have anything ready!! I went to my mom's bedroom and told her the news... more KO's :D.
Carmen woke up and went and laid down with the two Evans in our bed while I called the midwife and my mom started packing baby clothes and cleaning up.
My midwife Sandy told me not to have the baby this week cause she was going to be alone and was very busy... OH well!!
She came to visit me like an hour later. I hadn't been feeling contractions so I called everybody, family and that but I knew, from past experience, that I won't be giving birth toll late that night... so no hurry, no panic that way.
It was about 2'30 when the midwife came again to check me, only to tell me I was 1 cm dilated... ONE CM!!!
So we decided to go to the hospital, get an IV and get some oxitocin to speed things up a bit.
At 4 the game started so we started watching it at the waiting room. I remember watching the whole first period and walking around during the first intermission. By the time I sat down to watch the second period the contractions were so hard not even a good Montreal game took my mind off the pain, so when it finished we went to my room. This time I could hardly walk.
I endure another hour or so of intense pain... till I finally was done. I asked for the epidural. They checked me again ( my least favorite part) and I was only 3 cm... 3CM!!!!!!! So ... epidural PLEASE!!! I was not going to make it like that for another 10 hours... not even one more!
There was only one anestesic guy, because of being a holiday, and we had to wait until he was done at a C-Section. So in the mean time they game me some phantenol (sp?) that made me very dizzy but very relaxed.
The epidural was FANTASTIC! The incision not painful at all, easy and fast. I felt the 2 first contractions but not the rest... was AMAZING.
My neighbour Leah brought my mom and kids over and visited with a happy, painless mommy waiting for her new baby to come out.
Once they left things went really fast. I started to feel pressure down there but I didn't think much of it because it takes me FOREVER to dilate. Pressure increased and finnally my midwife decided to check me and see where I was at...
Well... There was lots of blood and you could even see Isabel's head there!! They kindly invited me to feel her, but I kindly decline... NO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
So I started pushing, apparently harder than I should have, so they told me to take it easy... and by the fourth push Isabel was on me, skin to skin.... What a wonderful feeling.
She reminded me a lot of Evan when he was born... the big eyes and big cheecks... but i aslo said Evan looked just like Carmen when she was born... so whatever that means... She was PERFECT!
They let me hold her for the longest time. She was just with me. The rest of their medical tests and stuff could wait to let us have OUR moment together.
I loved looking at her, her looking at me. She was finally in my arms... and she didn't hurt me one bit! :D... no stitching or anything... AMAZING!
We spent the night at the hospital. My legs still frozen from the epidural... it was great to have no pain as your uterus goes back to normal...even if it was for one night.

We left the hospital at around 12 pm the next day. Evan had to run to the store and get a carseat... WE WERE NOT PREPARED. And I must say I was impressed he didn't get the ugliest he could find.

Our kids at home were anxiously waiting for us.
They were also excited about the presents Isabel had brought for them.
Both of them were just sooooooo happy to see Isabel.
They wanted to hold her and to pet her and to fill her with toys....
It is amazing to me the love they have for this little being they had never seen before but yet they are so close to already...

FAMILIES are a miracle... and mine amazes me!