I had a bad day yesterday... one of those you know that if you cried you would feel better.
My car is dead.
That's Really Bad News!
Evan is not here to do anything about it, so it is on me.... and I have no idea.
Which brings me to one of my issues : Ask for Help.
It is hard for me...really hard... I rather be all miserable ( but on my own) than letting anyone else know that I am in need of help.
I then read this article in my friend's blog and reminded me of another of my issues... and that's when I lost it and I cried and cried...
It didn't make me feel better either!... but at least I let go of my emotions....sometimes you just have to.
My sweet neighbors did my lawn, and gave us a swing set! He is going to try to fix my car...at least make it last one more month.... and I made some super yummy buns for them :D
I am worried, though.
I hope I can get a way to teach my piano students.
I hope Evan gets in his next course so he can get money to buy a car when he gets back.
I hope I can manage this three months without my hubby's sweet company.
I hope I can get to have some fun in Utah/Idaho this summer and introduce my little Isabel to her auntie Tania.
I hope things work out :D
ay mari...como te entiendo...asi estamos nosotros..., pero mira, antes o despues las cosas se solucionan...por lo que veo tienes unos vecinos maravillosos, este verano va a ser la bomba (no veas las ganas que tengo de verte) y tu maridin estara de regreso en menos que canta un gallo!!! animo peri!!!
hang in there esther :) its hard on your own and when it rains it pours, but by the end of the threee months you will be so proud of yourself!!! love chelsea
a mi tampoco me gusta pedir ayuda, pero eso no es nada bueno, me temo. Creo que el Señor va a seguir dándome caña hasta que aprenda. brrrr
Supongo que no sólo hay que querer sino dejarse querer también.
Animo churri, vive momento a momento hasta que todo haya pasado. Hay muchos menos problemas en un sólo momento que si te pones a mirarte toda la vida.
Mucho ánimo, Esther!!
Ya verás como esto pasará. Irene tiene mucha razón.
No sé si has visto esto: http://www.youtube.com/user/MormonMessages#p/a/u/0/8nczw6xHJ0I
Un beso!!
Mucho ánimo, super mamá! Es genial que puedas viajar a Idaho y Utah en verano, será estupendo para ti y para los niños.
Si es que todo se junta!! mi madre siempre me dice: las cosas siempre tienen solución. Y es verdad, asique tranquila que de alguna manera u otra la ayuda viene y los asuntos se arreglan. Ojalá pudieramos estar más cerca.
Oh I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this by yourself. I hope things can get better for you soon.
hija mia k te voy a decir yo...animo y buena cara...k estos problemas seran por un breve momento!! El galardon es mayor!!!
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