Thursday, May 5, 2011

the contract

on wednesday i take the kids to a mom's group, and we were talking about how many times a night you get woken up.
this lady said: "oh well, it is part of the contract of becoming a mother".
did i choose to ignore the small print??
there are LOTS of things you are not aware of before you have kids.
i'll take the stretch marks, the varicose veins, the dark under eyes, the worn out boobs, the spills, the messes.... whatever it is in the contract, to have my cute babies!!
after all they are my greatest JEWELS!

Mothers Who Know Bear Children 

(by Julie B. Beck)

Mothers who know desire to bear children. Whereas in many cultures in the world children are “becoming less valued,” 2 in the culture of the gospel we still believe in having children. Prophets, seers, and revelators who were sustained at this conference have declared that “God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.” 3 President Ezra Taft Benson taught that young couples should not postpone having children and that “in the eternal perspective, children—not possessions, not position, not prestige—are our greatest jewels.” 4
Faithful daughters of God desire children. In the scriptures we read of Eve (see Moses 4:26), Sarah (see Genesis 17:16), Rebekah (see Genesis 24:60), and Mary (see 1 Nephi 11:13–20), who were foreordained to be mothers before children were born to them. Some women are not given the responsibility of bearing children in mortality, but just as Hannah of the Old Testament prayed fervently for her child (see 1 Samuel 1:11), the value women place on motherhood in this life and the attributes of motherhood they attain here will rise with them in the Resurrection (see D&C 130:18). Women who desire and work toward that blessing in this life are promised they will receive it for all eternity, and eternity is much, much longer than mortality. There is eternal influence and power in motherhood.


Sarah-Lynn said...

I love love love that talk!!! One of my all time favorites! Thanks for the reminder.

Me said...

I agree with Sarah, that was a fantastic talk! Thanks for sharing to remind me of it.

caleb clarke said...

So true! Thanks for the post!