I never posted some pictures from the little performance Carmen's class put together for the mothers.
She never practiced in front of me because she wanted to keep it a surprise.
I didn't cry because they were too many mothers around, but she is AMAZING.
She actually gave me the highlight of the day yesterday.
I had had such a crappy day ( quite possibly because I am entering that time of the month)
and all I wanted to do was cry all day.
Well.. it was my turn to put Carmen to bed and I sang a song for her. And then I asked her something I always do:
ME: Do you know something?
CARMEN: I know. You always say that. You love me.
ME: Yes, I always tell you, because I want you to really know that I love you. So that when you are alone , you can think Mom loves you.... or when you're sad and you can think Mom loves you.
CARMEN: But... I'm never sad because I always think of you.
ME: Me too... I always think of you.
I really love her.
Realmente tienes un gran tesoro. Esta Carmen es la Nina mas preciosa que conozco.
awww, she is a really special girl!!
No suelo ser muy fan de lo blogs, pero ésta mañana me aburro un poco en la oficina y he decidido darme una vuelta... me he encontrado con vuestra historia, de tuya y de Carmen. Creo sin duda que la tuya, es una niña especial, pero también creo que gran parte de ese resultado, es lo que ha visto y le has enseñado.
Gracias, me ha alegrado ésta mañana;P
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