Monday, May 12, 2008

mother's day and things....

I think it's time to write again....
Last friday Evan and I decided to stay home and invited our neighbours Steve and Leah (and their two little daughters) for dinner.
I made tortillas de patatas, salad, croquetas and chorizos in the BBQ. We also had some nice cheese with french baguettes ( the closest thing to a barra de pan from Spain) and they also brought some good BBQ chicken breasts.... So there was a lot of food! And we all had fun. So that was a good Date night without going out.
When we finnaly put the kids to bed we watched "I am Legend"... very disturbing movie, made me really scared... but I enjoyed it.
On Saturday I had a Spa Party at my house, so Evan took the kids out for the whole morning and afternoon. It was amazing all the things I got to do without kids!!
I loved the hand scrub, the facial, the mini pedicure and lip treatment... and trying out all kinds of lotions and smells...
For my mother's day present I got the 20's skin care line ( I'm late 20's... but still in my 20's, hahaha) and I got a foot and leg scrub.
That night Evan, as always, goes to play ice hockey so I had the evening to prepare lessons, read assingments, give the babies a bath, prepare clothes for tomorrow...etc.
On Sunday Carmen sang in Sacrament for the first time with the Primary... she made me cry when she only sang: "mother, I love you, I love you!"
And the talks also made me cry.
Bishop quoted some prophets thoughts on women and it made me realize what a blessing it is to be a woman, what a blessing for the world that God created women... that we really are God's supreme creation. It really filled me with confidence about my roles here on earth and with the peace that comes from knowing God's love for me, as His daughter, as a woman, as a MOTHER!
So Happy mother's day everyone!!
For the ones that are already mothers and for the mothers in potential... ( by the way: get cracking ladies!!!! not all the babies are going to come to me, ok???)

Oh... We watched "PS I LOVE YOU" and I have never cried so much... neither had I seen Evan cry so much in my life!


lorena said...

Vaya finde más completo....lo que cunde cuando los hijos no están...
haces muy bien de tomarte un tiempo para tí, se necesita!!! Feliz día de la madre!! Espero que pasaras un buen día. Álvaro también cantó con la primaria la primera vez, pero yo en vez de llorar, me morí de la verguenza, porque en el estrado se puso a gritar que quería un bizcocho que se llama "osito Lulú" no veas que bochorno, todo el mundo se partía de la risa y yo, muerta de la verguenza no sabía donde meterme....

Brittney said...

I'm jealous about the Spa Party! Sounds so fun and relaxing! I loved "P.S. I Love You" too. David stopped watching it with me after the first 20 minutes, though. =)

Marta F. Rebollos said...

Ay qué emotivo ver cantar a nuestros hijos en la Sacramental... Yo este año tenía a las dos ahí, vestiditas iguales :), y algún año creo que me coincidirán las tres cantando :) qué emoción...
Oye, guapa, pues a mí que tampoco me vengan todos ¿eh? jajaja...
Yo la pedicura no me la he hecho en mi vida, y la manicura siempre que me la he hecho se me ha echado a perder a la primera, así que tampoco :)
Me alegro de que te lo pasaras bien... ¡y no me das celos de que estés todavía en los 20! jajaja...