Friday, May 16, 2008

Sunny Day

Today was so nice out.... we went to the park.
It was full of children. Some school had taken all the kids out for a day trip. Carmen had fun with so many girls to play with... but she was more interested in picking flowers and giving them to everybody, like she says.
And Evan was the more sociable. He got all the girls to help him up the slide andup the swings... etc. He even "stole" a soccer ball and he wouldn't let go of it.

This is my cute little boy....
Everybody asked me if "SHE" was mine.... and yes... HE is mine... I guess it's the hair...or that he is too cute to be a boy!

And my Carmen...looking as cute as always...
I told her I was taking a picture of her, but to put the hand with the flowers close to her face... and this is what she did!


{irene} said...

Pero que guapos!!!!!!!!!!!!!...y me parto con Carmen!!!...tia Tu nene esta enorrrrrme!

lorena said...

Tu hijo se parece muchísimo a tu hermano! Son preciosos y que graciosa Carmen dando las flores que cogía.

Valeria said...

aqui llego mi comentario:

1. mae mia que guapos son y que grande esta ya el peke y que rica Carmen repartiendo flores.

2. que viejos tiempos aquellos cuando me iva cn mis padres al parque... ahora voy al parque pero con mis amigas jajaja

Esther J. Clarke said...

No sabeis lq de gente q me dice q mi nene es igual q mi hermano!! y yo no lo veo... como mi hermano ha sido siempre tan negro! y pienso q cada dia q pasa se va pareciendo mas a Carmen

Valeria said...

pero si no se parece en nada a tu hermano!! en n-a-d-a!

Patrixjasyu said...

tus hijos son de cuadro querida, guapísimos. Y eso de que Evan parezca un niña ya verás... con mi hermano César pasaba lo mismo y luego resultó un pedazo de casanova que no veas, las niñas lo perseguían todo el tiempo. Vete haciendo a la idea porque ese rubio va destrozar corazones.

Brittney said...

I wish my boys had hair like that!!! We just buzzed all their hair off for the summer... Your kids are both gorgeous!