Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm definetly pregnant

After being in denial for so long... I finnaly heard my baby's heart beat today.
I cried.
I can't believe there is a little being inside!
It is not like is new to me... but still, even the third time it is sooooooooooo special.
My next appointment is in a month, and then we'll schedule the ultra sound for later because I want to be more than 20 weeks so they can tell me the sex of the baby... I hope they do!
I went to the gym yesterday and I'd lost the pound that I put back on, so that's good. I'm going tonight again, this time with my trainer and see the new work out circuit they put me on for my last 2 weeks...
I'm already tired after all the walking I did this morning.
First I went to the doctor with Carmen. She's got a rash all over her face and arms and legs... but it is nothing, it will go away in a couple fo days.
And then the midwife.
I feel like I've done my cardio for the day, plus pushing Carmen in the stroller was like my heavy lifting of the day too!


Patrixjasyu said...

si, cada uno es un milagro nuevo y sorprendente. ¡que envida me das!

Marta F. Rebollos said...

Ay qué ilusión. Es verdad; parece que no es posible pero la sensación es increíble, no importa cuántos hijos tengas; cada uno es especial. A mí no me das envidia, jaja...
Pues nada, ya nos irás contando. Espero que Carmen se pona bien. Valeria también estuvo con una especie de eccema por todo el cuerpo pero eso se va solo.

lorena said...

Que bien que hayas podido escuchar el corazón del bebé y que veas que todo está bien!! Me alegro mucho por tí, guapa!!