Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who knew an apple pie could teach me a lesson??

Some of you that are on the facebook world already know about my latest accomplishment: The Making of an Aplle Pie!
This may seem like a little thing to ya'll Martha Stewarts out there, but for me was a historic moment. It was the first time I didn't let anything, ANYTHING stop me from doing what I wanted to do. Because I always think: I could do this, or that...but if something is not working on my favor ( like I am missing things, or I have to go out of my way to do it, or I've never done it before and I am not sure I can do it right....etc... I can always find an excuse to do something instead, or not to do it all together.
Well... it didn't happen this time. I had to convince myself that I COULD DO IT! and went, got the apples, got a rolling pin ( a decent one) and started on it. I looked through a couple of recipes, and decided on one.
It didn't come out perfect, the dough was not enough to cover the bottom part and a bit of the filling came out....I even stretched my creativity and did a leaf motive on it ( how inventive, eh??).
I took it to our new ward'd better be good...and IT WAS! It was super tasty.... I think next time I'll put a bit less lemon peel...but I loved the lemon hint, I loved it!

So... lesson learned. Fear is a bad companion. Giving yourself a chance to succeed feels great. And if it is in a form of apple tastes great too!! :D


Andrea said...

I think that pie looks fantastic - wish I had been there to have a piece! Maybe you can replace me at thanksgiving!

Marta F. Rebollos said...

Genial, Esther, de verdad. Me alegro de que tesaliera fenomenaly de que lo hayas compartido con nosotr@s. A mí me pasa lo mismo muchas veces. Buena moraleja!!
Un beso

Lara said...

Enhorabuena! la verdad q entiendo lo que dices... a mi me pasa algo parecido tb. Todos tenemos nuestros miedos y de una manera u otra tenemos q afrontarlos!!

Patricia said...

loba.......anda k t animaste a prepararme algo asi a mi!!!

Beth-a-knee said...

making apple pies from scatch isn't easy! your's looks great, way better than mine do!

Sarah-Lynn said...

nice one Esther! And I love the leaf design!

Patrixjasyu said...

mándame un poco por UPS!
maldito miedo... a mi tb me paraliza más veces de las que me gusta reconocer. Gracias por esta entrada, me encanta ver que todas somos humanas!