Thursday, October 29, 2009

PaRtY TiMe!!!

I found this Hispanic pre-school class once a week, right at Carmen's school, right at the same time. So I take Evan and Isabel there. They are all mexicans mothers with their kids... it is fun :D
We had a little Halloween Party for the kids. This year they are getting to wear their costumes a lot.
Evan is super shy, wouldn't want to pose with anybody and for anybody. He is normally atta
ch to my leg all the time we are there... except the times when there are boys at the "car statio
n" and he plays there, but not really WITH the other boys...he is just there...
I have Carmen who is a social little bug... and then I have Evan. He depends so much on Carmen to make/have friends...
Ah, by the way, he is still not talking in English to anybody... so Carmen tells people what he is trying to say... I don't know if that is part of him being shy and relying on Carmen or what...
In any case... I enjoy him so very much.... he is too cute!

1 comment:

Patrixjasyu said...

Al ser el segundo y chico, y al ir detrás de mega-Carmen, es normal que sea más retraído el pobre. Pero por lo que le he conocido lo tiene clarísimo el tío, más juguetón imposible. Y trasto, como debe ser.
Y guapo a reventar, que se las va a llevar de calle a toas, latinas, anglosajonas, serbocroatas, tailandesas...