Saturday, May 31, 2008

La primera vez... y q no sea la ultima!

No si es q tuve un dia de "gracia" o q... pero el viernes por la manyana estuve cuidando de mi sobrino Adriel y cuando llego mi cunyada nos fuimos a una actividad para los ninyos en un parque cerca de mi casa.: "Teddy Bear Picnic".
Pues nada, mi marido ya les llevo a uno de estos el dia ese q tuve mi Spa... en fin, q para mi era la primera vez y la verdad q tenian un monton de chiringuitos puestos y los ninyos disfrutaron un monton- por supuesto, se me olvido la camara :(....
En eso q se me acerca una mujer y dice: Has rellenado el formulario de evaluacion??? Estan rifando un booster seat ( lo de la silla pa'l coche de los ninyos)... Pues salgo directa a rellenarlo.... y yo pensando: Si nunca tengo suerte, pero Padre Celestial, de verdad q necesito una y me viene el gasto de la del nuevo bebe....
Todos esos pensamientos en la cabeza.... y llaman un numero y ni mu!.... y yo salto: Saca otro!!!. Pues otro numero ... y ni mu otra vez....
Una amiga mia dice: Saca otro q si le toca a alguien seguro q saltan de la emocion... Pues yo ya con mi fe toda puesta en q la tercera me toca...
Y me toco!!!!!

Bueno.... q emocion!!! Q me ha tocado algo, asi por la face en la vida!!!!
Pero la moraleja es q deberia orar mas por las cosas q necesito... primero fue la cama y ahora esto... a ver si cojo momentum y arraso con todo!!
Lo interesante del momento es q justo la noche anterior mi queridisimo me echo una charla porque mis cunyados me dieron una sillita del bebe suyoa y yo no la quiero.... usada ya y vamos q no, q no la quiero.... q yo quiero una nueva.... Esa incluso se la dieron gratis en el hospital a ellos... y tb me podran dar a mi una y NUEVA. Pues eso , q menuda charla, q si soy una orgullosa, q me tengo q humillar, q tengo q dejar de hacerle "ascos" a la gente ( claro, como es su familia, se ofende), q tengo q recibir cosas mas "gracefully".... pues eso, q charluco total... y yo diciendole q tenga fe, q todo lo q necesitamos para el bebe llegara....pero no de segunda mano, jajaja.... y segun decia mi abuela, guardar cosas usadas llama miseria....
Asi q segun llegue a casa le llame y parece ser q ya tira un poco mas para mi lado..... gracias a mi, vamos a llamarlo

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Necesito vuestra opinion...
No se lo q hacer.
Dentro de dos semanas la escuela de Ballet de Carmen va a tener una presentacion. El caso es q cae en domingo y la verdad es q no se q hacer...
Es en serio, no quiero empezar desde tan pequenya a poner Ballet antes q los mandamientos de Dios.
No quirero darla a entender q voy a apoyar actividades extra-escolares a costa de romper el dia de reposo.
Y , por un lado pienso: Si es muy pequenya, no se va a dar ni cuenta q no ha ido a la capilla... y por otro lado tambien pienso: Si no se va a dar ni cuenta q se ha perdido su actuacion de Ballet... asi q

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm definetly pregnant

After being in denial for so long... I finnaly heard my baby's heart beat today.
I cried.
I can't believe there is a little being inside!
It is not like is new to me... but still, even the third time it is sooooooooooo special.
My next appointment is in a month, and then we'll schedule the ultra sound for later because I want to be more than 20 weeks so they can tell me the sex of the baby... I hope they do!
I went to the gym yesterday and I'd lost the pound that I put back on, so that's good. I'm going tonight again, this time with my trainer and see the new work out circuit they put me on for my last 2 weeks...
I'm already tired after all the walking I did this morning.
First I went to the doctor with Carmen. She's got a rash all over her face and arms and legs... but it is nothing, it will go away in a couple fo days.
And then the midwife.
I feel like I've done my cardio for the day, plus pushing Carmen in the stroller was like my heavy lifting of the day too!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Vuelta atras.....

Pues ya han pasado los primeros tres meses de mi embarazo y no me ha ido mal... He perdido casi 12 libras, no he vomitado ( solo las tipicas nauseas), ningun antojo extranyo... pero creo q ahora va a empezar lo q mas miedo me da.... Mi decimo tercera semana y ya he puesto una libra encima :{
La tripa me esta cambiando de forma por minuto, eso me parece... me entran los calores y los agobios.... no puedo tener a nadie cerca q me entra claustrofobia... en fin... q justo en el veranito, q genial!
Me quedab dos semanitas en el programa y no veo el dia de terminar... porque cuando me toca sesion con entrenadora ME MUERO!
En fin... el miercoles tengo otra visita con mi matrona y ya me van a solicitar la ecografia, asi q voy a escuchar el corazon y voy a ver a mi garbancito de bebe! Escaneare las fotos y las pondre por aqui!
Ayer tuvimos mega conferencia para toda Canada desde nosedonde en Ontario... y alli estaban el Profeta Monson (quien presidio la Mision de Ontario y Quebec hace 49 anyos), su esposa, Elder Ballard ( quien sucedio a Pres. Monson en dicha mision) y Hna Dibb, 2a consejera de las Mujeres Jovenes ( q resulta ser hija del Profeta Monson). Ah... y el Elder Snow de los Setenta q dio un pedazo de mensaje tb!
Me encanto toda la confe.... excepto cuando viene una hermana y me dice q mi Evan esta jugando por ahi fuera en el parking lot de la capilla!!!!!!.... El tan contento...
Otra novedad... me he comprado una cama nueva... q es de lujo total!!! Me encanta... y necestiabamos una nueva con urgencia... un pequenyo milagro mas en mi vida!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sunny Day

Today was so nice out.... we went to the park.
It was full of children. Some school had taken all the kids out for a day trip. Carmen had fun with so many girls to play with... but she was more interested in picking flowers and giving them to everybody, like she says.
And Evan was the more sociable. He got all the girls to help him up the slide andup the swings... etc. He even "stole" a soccer ball and he wouldn't let go of it.

This is my cute little boy....
Everybody asked me if "SHE" was mine.... and yes... HE is mine... I guess it's the hair...or that he is too cute to be a boy!

And my Carmen...looking as cute as always...
I told her I was taking a picture of her, but to put the hand with the flowers close to her face... and this is what she did!

Monday, May 12, 2008

mother's day and things....

I think it's time to write again....
Last friday Evan and I decided to stay home and invited our neighbours Steve and Leah (and their two little daughters) for dinner.
I made tortillas de patatas, salad, croquetas and chorizos in the BBQ. We also had some nice cheese with french baguettes ( the closest thing to a barra de pan from Spain) and they also brought some good BBQ chicken breasts.... So there was a lot of food! And we all had fun. So that was a good Date night without going out.
When we finnaly put the kids to bed we watched "I am Legend"... very disturbing movie, made me really scared... but I enjoyed it.
On Saturday I had a Spa Party at my house, so Evan took the kids out for the whole morning and afternoon. It was amazing all the things I got to do without kids!!
I loved the hand scrub, the facial, the mini pedicure and lip treatment... and trying out all kinds of lotions and smells...
For my mother's day present I got the 20's skin care line ( I'm late 20's... but still in my 20's, hahaha) and I got a foot and leg scrub.
That night Evan, as always, goes to play ice hockey so I had the evening to prepare lessons, read assingments, give the babies a bath, prepare clothes for tomorrow...etc.
On Sunday Carmen sang in Sacrament for the first time with the Primary... she made me cry when she only sang: "mother, I love you, I love you!"
And the talks also made me cry.
Bishop quoted some prophets thoughts on women and it made me realize what a blessing it is to be a woman, what a blessing for the world that God created women... that we really are God's supreme creation. It really filled me with confidence about my roles here on earth and with the peace that comes from knowing God's love for me, as His daughter, as a woman, as a MOTHER!
So Happy mother's day everyone!!
For the ones that are already mothers and for the mothers in potential... ( by the way: get cracking ladies!!!! not all the babies are going to come to me, ok???)

Oh... We watched "PS I LOVE YOU" and I have never cried so much... neither had I seen Evan cry so much in my life!