Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Vancouver Trip

I've been missing becuase I went to Vanoucver for the weekedn. We planned on getting the 5 ferry but Evan didn't get home from work untill 9... and he had to go and pick up our new couch that night so we stayed at home that night and took the 10'30 ferry the next morning.
I took some pictures of the kids at the play area on the ferry...

Carmen posing

Evan posing

At the front of the ferry


When we got there we had to wait for Jordan to come and pick us up, so we had something to eat at subway.
We went straight to the pool where we met with Tracy and the girls. It was fun and Carmen is a bit more confident now, but she won't go under water. Evan is really brave and he does it no problem.
Then we went for some doughnuts at Tim Horton's....I know!!!! Krispykreams, hello?? But you know Tracy... she pretty much dictated everything we did. Evan said that she ruined our trip to surrey and that was the phrase of the weekend!
Then I went shopping for our big dinner of Sunday with Tracy while the guys stayed to watch the hockey game. Came home had dinner put the kids to bed and we had our session on the game "Sequence". This time it was really frustrating. Tracy and I only won once out of 7! Plus Evan and I can't play against each other in competitive games...we always end up arguing!
The Sunday was crazy...trying to get ready but Church was amazing!

This is Evan ...had a blast in nursery!

Jordan was called as a Bishop...
that was the whole reason for us to be there. He is going to do great! Plus Tracy is the perfect "Bishop's wife".
Evan was baptized in that same chapel and told me stories about his primary years there...and we also drove by a couple of the houses they used to live in those years.
We were going to have the dinner at Church but a family from the ward offered to open their house to have it there. And the house was huge!!! And so nice! And they were precious people!!! Dinner was great but we bought too much roast! Oh well... it was delicious!
We were supposed to get a ferry that night but we stayed another night instead!
For some reason my stomach was feeling really well so I spend all night and morning in pain...but by 1 or 2 I was so hungry I couldn't wait for food any longer... and we had Taco del mar...which totally hit the spot and didn't hurt my belly after all.
We hanged out at the mall...

... looked for mattresses and bed frames ( we want to get new ones)... and had some ice cream. We then had to rush to get the 5 ferry...but didn't make it so we left on the 7 ferry but it was 20 min late and due to strong winds and what not.... a trip of an hour and a half became a 3 hour one. Carmen and I got sea sick... I've never been in a ship that rocked so hard side to side. It was horrible and a bit scary...water splashing on the windows, not being able to stand... and it was freezing!!!! The doors were broken and couldn't be shut! It was great!
Anyway...we made it home...HOME SWEET HOME!
The kids were so ready for bed and so was I!....So today holidays are over and we are back to normal. Hopefully we'll buy our bed today and I'm getting contacts. I'll need them for my new gym. I'm training to fight from February. Not that I'll fight but just training for it. Anyway...that's another story!


lorena said...

Tienes unos hijos preciosos; son guapísimos y que risueños...Espero que lo pasarais bien.

Marta F. Rebollos said...

Vancouver - Enero - Piscina ... mmmm, me entra frío sólo de pensarlo :$
Enhorabuena por el llamamiento de Jordan. Supongo que es tu cuñado, ¿no?
Por lo demás, así me gusta, apurando el viajecito hasta sus últimas conecuencias, que hay muchas cosas que hacer y poco tiempo. Si es que o me extraña que nuestros hijos estén estresados. Jeje...
Mi sobrina se levanta diciendo "¿Dónde vamos hoy, mamá? Y es que mi hermana está todo el día de arriba para abajo (mucho de compras, todo hay que decirlo) y se limita a decir: "a hacer recados, cariño, a hacer recados"... ¡Pobre! :)
Bueno, me alegro de que lo pasárais bien, aunque al final, es verdad que no hay nada como el "Hogar dulce hogar"
Por cierto, también tuvo que ser bonito ver todos esos sitios donde Evan pasó su infancia, ¿no? Seguro que pudísteis conoceros un poco mejor.

Esther J. Clarke said...

Muchisimas gracias Lorena...y la piscina era cubierta...pero si ...que frio hace por estas tierras!!! Y Jordan si....mi cunyado...si vierais todos los hermanos de mi marido...se parecen un monton...hasta los sobrinos!
La verdad es q tengo sentimientosmixtos... por un lado me encanta ver donde crecio, las casa donde vivio, el colegio al q fue, la capilla y maestros q tuvo...pero por otro lado...q rabia estar tan lejos de lo mio!!!...En fin... q quien me mando irme de mi Espanya!!

{irene} said...