Monday, January 7, 2008 that you????

Carmen's been waiting anxiously for Tania to come home. So bless her heart, the morning after she got back from Idaho, got in the ferry and came to visit.
She came with presents....our little celebration of the Spanish tradition for the "Wise Men Day".
My mom also sent as a package that got here yesterday but I hid it right away so we could open it with Tania.
So Carmen got a baby from grandma and another( cooler one :D) from Tania. Her favorite....a game of Dora " I spy" that was a hit...anything Dora really. A puzzle of the map of Spain (seriously...hehehe. So young and learning geography!). A couple of T-shirts from Italy.... where Patri went on her honeymoon. A princess thing full of chocolates... and a bunch of other stuff. The baby got cool thing a racing car, dinosaurs little trucks.... next year's Halloween costume: Chulapo....a typical male outfit from Madrid. He is going to be so cute! Like that year I dressed Carmen in a flamenco dress. And more stuff too. ( I just can't remember).
I got a necklace, a t-shirt, a pair of earings...and Tania brought me a lotion form Victoria 's Secret, the book " I am a mother"( so far I'm loving it) and a pair of earings she made herself!.
We had a good time...we talked and talked...we did some research for her wedding stuff.... she is already getting nervous!!!


{irene} said...

Pero que guapisima esta Carmen!!!!!!....y tia, que suerte tienes por tener a tu hermana tan cerquita!!!!!!

Marta F. Rebollos said...

¡Qué gracia! Juraría que Clara tiene unos bebés igualitos. Si es que las niñas son niñas en cualquier país del mundo :)
Dale muchos besos a Tania de mi parte y que nos presente (vía blog) al afortunado, jeje.

{irene} said...

jOE GUAPA!!!..QUE RAPIDEZ!!!!!...quedan chulas, verdad?.....y oye, que a mi no me importa en absoluto hacerte banners!!!!..I love you peri!....Asi se pueden cambiar cada dia si te da la gana....