Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who says Carmen is not cool??

I had this page opened and Carmen decided she will write something.
We have been talking about what to do for her B-day party and she is so excited....she is inviting you to come!!hahaha
She will be 5!! My firstborn is growing so fast!
She came from school yesterday and she told me that Olivia wasn't her friend anymore. She said Olivia told her: " I don't want to sit beside you, cuz you're not cool" ( and used this winny voice to tell me :D) and she said:" That's not nice vedra ( that's how she says verdad) mama?"... No that's not nice and I can't believe that a 5 year old says those things already.... so she said: " I am going to tell her tomorrow, that that's not nice to say". And then we talked about how being friends with everybody IS cool. She is so smart and so special... it is amazing to me how grown up she acts sometimes. I love her.
Every Monday they have Library day and the first week she brought one book and I asked her if she was going to read it for me ( she can read perfectly already) but she said it was a difficult book. " But you can read difficult books, so that's ok". Her teacher had told her that.... it frustrated me a little. So next Monday she brought home two books.... she almost had memorized the other one.... I love she loves reading... she just sits quietly reading until she is done the book ( like her dad).
On wednesdays she has gym and she is in love with her gym teacher. Mr Fergusson, she came home and told me her teacher si so cute and she is going to marry him!... and I have to say that my daughter has an excellent taste :D I met him on the Teachers Night and he is HOT.
Right now she is playing random notes on the piano and trying to sing along.... it is so cute trying to match the high ones.... OMG! I want to eat her!....
I love the background music of my life... Carmen playing the piano, Evan having some awesome car racing and Isabel's little bare feet footsteps sounds ( cuz YEAH!! She just started walking yesterday!!!)....
I love this (short) moments in life...
Short because I know that someone will start crying, or will need a diaper change, or the dryer will be done... or somebody will get hungry and dinner will have to be made... but still LOVELY while they last....and they won't last too long at the pace my babies are growing!!


Marta F. Rebollos said...

Está para comérsela. Olivia no tiene ni idea!!!!

Patrixjasyu said...

Carmen es una niña mágica, irresistible. Tiene que ser una delicia ser su madre.
Y si, pasa rapidísimo... no me lo recuerdes que yo ando "mourning for those days"

Patricia said...

K fuerte!!Me parto, en el fondo no dejan de ser niñas con tonterias de mayores....o es k hay mayores que dicen tonterias de niñas¿? Si no k se lo pregunten a Tania, que hay mujeres de mas de 30 con jueguecitos de ese tipo. La verdad que me dejan con lo boca abierta! Me encantaria ir a la fiesta....lastima k estemos tan lejos, te repito lo k te digo siempre: Estoy enfadada contigo, NO ES JUSTO!

Jessi said...

Que "crueles" pueden ser los crios a veces!! Pero Carmen es way cool!!! asi que todas las Olivias que pasen por su vida, se perderan a una gran persona!!!

Rhiannon's World said...

you're right, grab those moments while you can. All too soon, they won't need you like that any more and will be busy with their own lives.

lorena said...

Con lo preciosa y risueña que es...quien no querría ser su amiga??!! Es una niña increíble...

eryn. said...

when is carmen's birthday? close to evan and my birthdays?

{irene} said...

Mari! que la Carmen, es mucha Carmen!...y yo aqui jodida sin Diego!:)