Monday, October 3, 2011

Watch Your Step

Every year there are two things I look forward to.
One of them happened last weekend.
General Conference.
This time is the best two days, better spent hours of one's life.
I promise you there is always something in it for YOU, especially and uniquely said for you and to you.
So I invite you to hear, HERE
In between sessions I saw this video for the first time.
I felt the need to share it.
You can't give enough warnings about the destructive power of pornography.
And yet people still view it as nothing to worry about.
Like it is only a problem if you have a family, but something it is ok for single people to practice.
I say, NO. It will destroy you. I t will destroy any meaningful relationship you will ever want to create... even the holiest of all relationships, only second to God's : the relationship between husband and wife.
I believe in God, and I believe in love.
True love.
Love in its most purest form... in the form of families.
I know that families are mean to be eternal. That we can and are meant to be together forever.
So, listen to the words of a living prophet... and be sure he is speaking truth.

1 comment:

Rachel Kingsley said...

I love this one - one of my top 3 for sure!! Such a powerful warning. I used it in RS in August for the Law of Chastity lesson. Your haircuts are cute!