Thursday, November 25, 2010

muuuuy heavy

Today our other fish died.
How can our "Sally" be so mean???
This is too much.
That's it.
She is never going to have any friends.
She's a loner for the rest of her days..... but I am still going to be nice to her.
I'll feed her, and clean her "house".... even "meaners" need love.

She is really teaching me more lessons than I anticipated.
Poor Sally.
Always angry, always bossy ( I wonder if that's how my kids see me :S)...
I'm determined not to be like her.
I'm determined to do better.... to be better.


lorena said...

Lo siento. Y cuantos quedan??? Espero que Carmen no se haya puesto muy triste.

Patrixjasyu said...

Sólo te digo una cosa: Sally se merece un blog! jajaja

Patricia said...

Dice mama k se nota k estás sola.....k desvarias con los peces pk no tienes con kien hablar!! ajajaj
Total k dice k eso a lo mejor es una enfermedad. K Conchi ha estado ingresada y le han dicho k posiblemente es por los pajaros k ha tenido...Uno de ellos tb murio! Total....NO a los animales en casa!! Arggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Lara said...

jajaja Hija, sera que se metian con ella. Lo que daria yo a veces por comerme de un bocao a la gente q me estorba!