Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend in Port Alberni

We started our way to Port Alberni in a rush... apparently the band had to be there at around 6'30 but that's when we were leaving Nanaimo.
Once we got there we were a bit lost and to make things worse we gt a speeding ticket :{
There was nobody there when they started playing but by the second set it was full... full of drunk people and nasty girls that is.
There were two, to be specific that were all over the place.... making signs inviting Evan to get down the stage, I heard them making a bet about getting some action that night and kept pulling their shirt down to show some more cleavage. At the end of the set they went back stage to talk to Evan and told him he was soo hot while caressing his face. He pointed at me and said I was his wife, after which she apologized... and went on to get Brodie's attention but he also shut them
down... so no luck with the band boys but they did leave with some random guys... Bless...

We spent the night at a cute little cabin by the lake...where we took lots of pictures... it is so pretty here.

The day after we went out to eat at some restaurant and when our waitress cme to us she stared at Evan for a minute... I thought : " Does she know him?? How??' And then I was like... Seriously... another one that is hitting on him!! Right in my face... doesn't people look at the wedding ring???!!! But no... she only wanted his ID cause she believed he was not able to be there.... that is to be older than 19!!!! I mean... he just shaved and he does have a baby face...but 19??? She felt a bit embarrased for asking when she saw he was 27...and she said: " It is a compliment!"... It was hilarious because it hasn't been the first time!
Anyway, the show that night was boring... there was lots of people again but nodirty girls to entertain me... instead really nice people that kept asking about my belly, complimenting me about looking great... even some said that I intimidated them for being so pretty.
We drove back to Nanaimo and got home at around 4... I was DONE! Am I getting too old for partying???? I guess I've had my share :D
The good thing was that after Church my kids fell asleep so we had a super nice 3 hour nap!! te first one I've had in ages!!! and it did feel good let me tell ya!
We had a pot luck dinner with our home teachers and then Evan left for Choir. He got a solo this year.
So it was a busy weekend... it was nice to be alone with Evan for a while... we really needed some time together. Lately I've been comunicating with him thru email... and I am not joking! So thi time was great... Next weekend we go to the Temple!!!! That is going to be a great weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

El tiempo vuela!!

Un mes y una semana...
Q cerquita lo tengo... y que miedo me da :{
Pero en fin, de peores cosas sale una.
Algo q viene antes de Isabel es CONDUCIR!
Me saque el carnet aqui hace casi un anyo y ahora me tengo q sacar la N para poder conducir yo sola. Hasta ahora solo puedo conducir con un persona mayor de 25 anyos q tenga carnet. Con la N podre conducir con mis hijos en el coche.
Asi q como esta mi madre me escapo mas a menudo con Evan para practicar. Espero q el mes q viene pueda ir al examen y PASARLO!
Aunque no tengo coche pa mi, ni dinero pa comprarme uno en el futuro inmediato, esperemos q para Octubre del anyo q viene, cuando Carmen empieza el cole, me haga con uno. Tenemos pensado meterla en French immersion ( un cole frances, ya sabeis, vivo en Canada! aqui esta todo en frances tb) y me pilla a media hora andando, cuesta arriba... y empujando un cochecito con 3 ninyos, llueva, nieve o haga sol... me parece a mi q no. Asi q no tendremos mas narices q meternos con un pago mas para un coche.
Asi q deseadme suerte!!!
No hay nada q me de mas miedo q meterme en el coche. No tengo nada de confianza en mi misma.
Me esta costando pillarle el truco a esto de conducir, pero voy mejorando, la verdad.... poco a poco.... pero necesito q vaya mas rapido!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Te copio, Marta... solo esta vez

Hago lo q Marta, poruqe ya nunca escribo nada. Asi q de esta manera si me echais de menos... pues ya sabeis un poco de mi :D
Pero prometo manteneros mejor informadas de mi vida!

Atraves de mi ventana... el sol... q gusto!! Ayer tb hizo dia de sol y nos fuimos todos en el bus al mall. Hoy no se que haremos.
Pienso q de hoy no pasa q arregle mi habitacion. Mi madre tien toda la casa reluciente...pero no se atreve a meterse en mi cuarto... y no la culpo...a mi tb me da un poco de panico, jajaja.
Estoy agradecida por todo lo q mi madre hace por mi. Tiene muchos talentos, la envidio. Se q nunca sere tan buena como ella.
En la cocina tengo la parrilla q utilice ayer para la cena en remojo... el unico plato sucio poruqe lo demas lo limpio mi madre antes de irse a la cama... veis??? si tengo razon cuando digo q nunca sere tan buena como ella.
Llevo puesto......... todavia en pijamas... bueno, la batita hondurenya q me ha traido mi madre. Muy mona, pero mi marido las odia :D
Estoy creando... el q??? yo y creatividad... como q no nos llevamos bien.
Voy a tener q darme prisa en terminar aqui... con el monton de cosas q tengo q hacer!!! Tengo q quedar con mis hermans q las q visito y llamar a mi compi pa decirle el plan.
Estoy leyendo Standing for Something... ya me queda poquito y me encanta!!! Ya me he pillado otro par de libros ( de la lo unico q leo y q me apetece leer, la verdad) y tengo muchisimas ganas de empezarlos.
Espero q este embarazo se me acorte, la verdad. Simepre he pensado q es mejor llegar al dia q sales de cuentas... pero creo q esta vez ya estoy lista para cuando quiera. Estas dos ultimas semanas ha empezado a ponerseme dificil la cosa. Estoy super cansada, me cuesta moverme, me cuesta dormir...etc, etc... el gozo de la maternidad!!
Estoy escuchando a Carmen "leer" el nuevo libro q le acaba de regalar la abuela Clarke.... Y a Evan chapoteando en la banyera... El gozo de ser madre!!!! Mejor q musica para mis oidos :D
Alrededor de la casa... quietud.
Una de mis cosas favoritas... la tranquilidad...momentos de sosiego. Tiempo para meditar, para planear, para poner mi mente en orden.
Esta semana me toca hacer las visitas, q entre manyana y el jueves me las ventilo. El jueves Evan y yo vamos a un seminario de no se q... algo de negocios. El viernes y el sabado Evan toca en un garito del norte de la isla. Me voy con el y nos pagan el alojamiento en una cabanyita a orillas del lago Sprout... un lago precioso de estas tierras....
El domingo no se si llegaremos a la capilla, pero me han pedido q toque el piano para la presentacion de la Primaria... la primera de Carmen... q emocion!!! Tiene q dar un discurso sobre "Soy un hijo de Dios"... No lo podre grabar, pero seguro q se me va a caer la baba....
En fin, el pensamiento en forma de foto:

pues una de mis hijos... q iba a ser si no!! Lo mas preciado de mi vida... mostrandose carinyo... algo q hacen a menudo, cuando no se estan peleando :D
Los besos de mis hijos son de lo mas dulce... esos morritos q ponen!!! Son la alegria de mi vida!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

*** Carmen's 4th B-day!! ***

It was a good day today. Carmen was very excited about her party... and so was I!
I went to a visit with my midwife in the morning. Two more pounds... oh, well... and I have frozen my account at the gym starting next month. I am done exercising I think. I feel super heavy and tired, something that my midwife noticed, by the way, and worried her. She sent me to have my blood tested so while Carmen was at ballet I went to the lab.
They want to make sure my iron level is up because I have high losses of blood at birth and they want to be prepared. She talked to me about different shots I can get to prevent another huge hemorrhage.
The happy event was preparing for the
I had a bunch of beads and treats to make bracelets with the girls and I bought little princesses bags filled with candy and a pair of cute hair clips for them to take home.
Carmen asked for a pink cake with "shape sparkles"... so that's what she got.

She looked as beautiful as always.

I can't believe she is 4!
I actually can.
I just can't believe I am a mother of a such a wonderful 4 year old. She is so grown up now. She talks so much, she learns so fast, she knows so much.... she is such a doll!

She is so ready ( and so excited) to have a little sister. She is already saying all the things she is going to do to help me with Isabel.... and I can't wait to see her!
It is such a blessing to be her mother.
She loves me....
She is very special.
She forgives me for all my temper tantrums and she is quick to show me love.
I love her beyond words.