Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Accent: love it or hate it...

i read a friend's blog that got me thinking... it was about the english pronunciations and different accents. and of course having one myself i found it very interesting.
first of all.... i must say that i hate my accent...most of all i hate that i'll never get rid of it. but in the other hand i love anybody else's accent...weird, i know. i love it especially if it is british, of course, cuz it reminds me of my mission, followed by any african, because again of all the people i taught on my mission.
so, after giving up on any hopes for losing my accent, what i really care about it is being understood the best possible... and it is very hard. it always seems harder to speak in english after speaking in spanish... the more i talk in spanish the harder the accent comes out... and the grammar mistakes! it takes me a while to change the mode. evan says that my accent gets stronger when i'm nervous... great! that's just great...
anyway...i 'm not complaining about my english, i just want to speak it better, the best i i think i should put some effort into my desires. since i hardly read ever....very bad i know, i miss it really!... i've decided to start reading...and not the scriptures only or any other church related texts that i've been reading, but books...other kind of books. and since evan is such a hungry reader, he finishes books in a couple of days...and loves Harry Potter's books, i've started the first book. and i'm planning on reading the whole series. it seems like forever since i read a book that wasn't from the church or on parenting.. so i'm excited. any suggestions on what to read next??? i'm open to anything good... so favorite books anybody???


janaya said...

cute. i love accents too. i have to admit that i miss my canadian accent, but there is little hope of bringing it back. :(

anyway, good books...

1. tuesdays with morrie (a pretty quick read and you'll love it)

2. the kite runner (just read it. loved it. a little bit disturbing in parts, but a great insight into the afghan culture)

3. the glass castle (just read it as well. again, a little disturbing in some parts but AMAZING book)

those are my top 3 at the moment. enjoy harry potter. i've never ventured to pick them up for fear i will never get anything done ever again. :)

{irene} said...

Ay peri...que pereza...toda la vida con lo del acento...Yo tambien tengo uno del 10..., pero hija, no se me va ni se me ira nunca!!!...Yo creo que nos da personalidad, y los chicos creen que es sexy, asi que....