Tuesday, August 28, 2007

* B-Day Boy *

so we finally had the b-day party... i was less stressed this time... something about being outside made it easier on me.
we prepared a treasure hunt for the kids... Evan was very good with the kids....they had fun.

then we had the cake... believe it or not, it was the first cake i've ever done. i was really worried, i said all the prayers that t i know while baking....and it turned out good!
i would have liked to have a clean child to take pictures of on his b-day... but that's what i got... a filthy little being!

so, we got home....and straight to the bath...literally. i had not even got upstairs yet when evan had him naked for me to get him in the bath already.

evan got him dressed and gave him a bottle and he fell asleep on his arms.
in the mean time, i was finishing carmen up. i got her pj's on and she kept saying she was tired, we said a little prayer together and i held her in my arms, she asked me to sing a song for her, so while singing and rocking her, she feel asleep too...too cute!!

it was a good day... carmen was so excited about the whole b-day party thing. i can't wait for her b-day. she will have so much fun.


{irene} said...

Tia que guapos estan tus ninos!!!!..Y que paso con el pelo rubio de Evan???...Estaba guapo, a mi me gustaba....y tu tarta tiene una pinta de la leche!...Besos!

Silvia said...

Que graciosas entre vosotras os hablais en español, me parto de la risa con irene y con tigo traduciendo lo que creo que pone aunque lo tuyo me cuesta mas no se porque. Tus niños estas super salaos, jo eres super joven y ya tienes dos, que valiente eres, por cierto a mi tu chico me gusta mas ahora, le queda mejor. Tu estas tan guapa como siempre y te favorece mogollon la maternidad, pero haber si cuelgas alguna tuya que no sales ni patras. Cuidate y supongo que ya estas con la cuenta atras para venir para aca, bueno no te puedes imaginar la ropa de esta temporada, en hym mejor que no vayas, para los niños es una locura, y en Blanco y Breska dan ganas de llorar, yo solo he visto hoy los escaparates de pasada porque me he ido con mi hermana a ikea y nos hemos dado una escapadita a tres aguas, que horror, estoy empezando a odiarla porque me gusta todo, es igual que mi amor y odio por Mario..Jajajaja

Patrixjasyu said...

que monos flakaaaaaaa!
y que rico tu niño dormidito en brazos de papi, yo tengo como dos mil fotos de esa guisa, aunque normalmente durmieran en los míos jejeje.
Esssssa tarrrtaaaa... ya te traerás la receta, no corassón?