I've been waiting for the Olympics to be over to get back to our daily routines... and I am making my way back. You know, going to bed early( I don't have to watch 8 hours of Games on tv now), getting up early ( I am too tired from all the walking around downtown, the waiting of thousands of line ups, the late concerts...), and thinking about something else than what gold medal Canada was going to win everyday!
Now I have time to set goal, work on my piano, and on my business...and I haven't gone for a run since I'm still in terrible pain ( big thanks to my wisdom teeth for showing up and ruining the fun!)....and COLD SORES!!! I really don't know what I did....but I got blisters all over my bottom lip and cold sores in the corner of my mouth...LOVELY!
But... it is SOO nice outside!!
I spent some time in the park of the school after Carmen went in for class....and as I drove off, I thought of my days in high school when I would decide a day like today was too nice to be inside a classroom and I would just hang out with friends on the front yard ( where the teachers could see us, but nobody cared.... I think they just wished they could be out there with us) and I would lay down in the grass and soak up the sun....
Good memories....
Good days....
So...today I am in a good mood.
It is amazing what a good dose of vitamin D can do for you :D
I think that's why people on Spain ( the South especially) is soooooooo nice and soooo fun, sooooooo happy all the time!
I want to move there...
Can't wait for the lovely summers here!!!!!!
Really, your teachers wouldn't care? That would never happen here. But I know the feeling. Sometimes you just deserve a break from everything. Sounds like you got to party hard during the olympics, at least for a mother of three. It was fun though, wasn't it?
vamonos de pellas!!!! lo k se te haolvidado comentar es cuando pasabas de ir a clase por irte a la ciudad deportiva a ver a los jugadores del Real Madrid!! Pellera!!! jajajajja
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