Monday, November 10, 2008


What to say??... I'm glad it is another day.... one day closer to giving birth... scary thought. But better out than in, they say :D Plus the sooner I have the baby, the sooner I stop putting on wieght!
We had fun this weekend. Friday was the Harvest Ball. Evan and I prepared two songs to perform there: Over the Rainbow and Quando, Quando, Quando.
It was really good.. it was the first time we performed with all our sound equipment, mics, amps, and monitors... it was my first time at all actually...and it was really good. We were really pleased. It made us excited about performing in other places. But needles to say that practicing was really hard with our two kids demanding all the attention... so getting ready for shows is going to be hard, but we are excited.
Saturday we went for a drive, and I am getting very excited about driving too. I feel way more confident now. I even back into our driveway, park on my own, etc... so I'll take the lessons and go for my test soon :D
Sunday was the Primary presentation. I explain the president how to help Carmen with her talk because I was going to be at the piano, but I must had not made myself clear because she didn't help and messed Carmen up, but luckily Carmen had it half memorized and managed to do it somewhat ok....thank goodness she is so cute and makes anything so likeable! :D
She si so big now... I can't believe it. She is getting on my nerves lately too... but less often than making me fall more and more in love with her, so that makes it ok.
Evan is still my dear boy. He is so adorable and such a sweetheart.
Things that went wrong???... carmen broke my glasses, and we even hadn't have time to go get me new ones, so I am walking around with duct tape on my glasses...
Our computer broke the next morning.... but of course we havetime to go buy one. And it is sweet, I am not going to lie to you!
We broke too... I mean... we are broke now. We have to get a frame for our bed before the baby comes because I am not going to able to jump up and down so easily after all the things that I still need for the baby...but oh well........ when it rains it pours.
I am not feeling well myself. I am always at the verge of pucking... specially as I go to sleep. I can't sleep properly, everytime I turn all my bones crack and my muscles tense up...horrible feeling, not to mention my constant heartburn that I HATE!!!!!
Oh the joys of pregnancy... Evan senses when I am not sleeping so he offered to do something to help me, so Iasked him for a glass of milk and a capsule of Tums and when he came to bed I said: Oh, and something else... DON'T GET ME PREGNANT AGAIN!!


Sarahstottle said...

Esther you're so lucky, you've hardly gained a thing!! You should enjoy what time you have before baby comes. Enjoy your last few weeks with two kids. Enjoy the anticipation and excitement of a baby coming. Enjoy having a reason for people to pamper you, and excuses to not have to do things. Milk it for all it's worth.

Marta F. Rebollos said...

Jajaja... bien dicho!! :)
Y me encantaría ver los performances!! Seguro que estuvo genial!

Patrixjasyu said...

hey! no le eches toda la culpa a Evan colega... ¿acaso tú no participaste con interés? jajaja
Si aún puedes tumbarte considérate afortunada... yo me pasaba las últimas 6 semanas durmiendo prácticamente sentada. Y atiborrándome a regaliz y chicle de menta, por los ardores.
AHHHH ¡que sabia es la naturaleza! es increíble cómo al final el hartazgo reemplaza al miedo al parto,
¿no? (tipo que salga como sea ¡pero que salga YAAAA!)

Patricia said...

ay tiaaaaaaaaaaa k estas pariendo en estos momentos!!! k emocion!!! chicas k mi hermana esta dando a luzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz k fuerte!!!!!!
Si dile al listillo del Evan k eche el freno....k el no aumenta de peso, no se fatiga ni se le inchan los tobillos sin mencionar las idas y venidas al baño para vomitar!!!!

Marta F. Rebollos said...

esther!!!! Se supone que en este momento estás dando a luz :) así que mucha suerte!!! Aunque cuando leas esto ya tendrás a tu niña en brazos y seguro que estáis fenomenal las dos :)
Pues eso, que suerte! y que sea cortito.

Valeria said...

jajaj otroo? Q fuerte, me alegro muchisimo guapa... a ver sii le podemos ver pronto aquii...


Valeria said...

madre mia Esther!!

buah.. espero que te vaya genial..

a ver si nos traes aqui al bebe para verlo..

es niño o niña?¿?

bueno guapiisiima...

que ganas tengo de verte..

ya se te echa muxisimo d menos aquii

besoos wapaaa

Lara said...

Muchas felicidades!! que bien que justo despues de una entrada en la que se te nota la desesperacion de estar embarazada te llega la niña!!
Espero que todo saliera de maravilla y que Isabel y tu os encontreis bien.
Te mando un beso enorme para las dos!!!

Patrixjasyu said...

Niña, congratuleisions!!!!!!!!!!
espero que todo haya ido bien y poder ver pronto una foto de la preciosa Isabelita.