Sunday, September 2, 2007

Pipers Lagoon

Nothing better than going for a walk by the ocean on a cloudy and windy Sunday evening... and of course, camera in hand to take pictures of the family!

There is this beautiful family( that I LOVE!!!!!) in my ward....the Slobodans...3 boys 2 girls. The girls I've taught in Young Women and now that Tania, the oldest, moved to Vancouver, I only have Paulina in Sunday School...but I totally adore them. They make me think of my family. The father was our bishop for a while until he got called into the Stake my father! The older 3 have served my family! and the girls are sooooooo adorable, super involved in the Church... they remind me of Patri and us but better! way better!
I hope Victor becomes the kind of man that deserves one of these cuties! Then we'll be family! :D
They had all the family over for the long weekend. Lee the oldest, has 2 kids, one is Ty, who we've decided will marry our Carmen. Jay married a beautiful girl, Jacinta, and live in Vancouver. Sean, finished his mission in Russia and moved to Provo to study at BYU. He came up with his girlfriend Megan, another pretty girl. Tania, that lives in Vancouver... just finished her schooling in hairdressing and was Miss Nanaimo last year!! And last but not least my dear Paulina! She is taking Spanish in school and she always talks to Carmen in Spanish...I love that!
The mother is my Visiting Teaching companion...I love her! She is so fun, so thoughtful and caring. I hope to be like her!
So here I introduce you to my favorite family in Nanaimo!

(ME, Paulina and Tania)

Trisha, my comp!

(Jay, Sean and Lee)


Silvia said...

¡¡Como me gustan tus gafas !! son superchulas, ademas te faboren un monton. Que guay ya bestiditos de invierno yo estoy deseando de que se acabe el verano, mas que nada para que los niƱos empiezen el cole y esas cosas, yo ahora estoy haciendo una suplencia a una amiga en un lavadero de coches, y tengo trabajo para un mes, me viene genial el dinero tengo una boda. Por cierto cuando se casa tu hermana? ...Olle ahi en Canada hay las tiras estas de los dientes? se llaman whrite strips, se hay me podias traer una cajita. bueno ya me diras..un beso.

Esther J. Clarke said...

me tuve q comprar estas gafas porq las otras me las destrozo el nene... y resultaron ser de la misma marca y casi el mismo estilo.
aki todavia no es invierno invierno, solo q hacia frio ya porq estuvo lloviendo.... y yo como soy una paranoica, para q no se resfriara nadie, pos nos abrigamos pero bien.
la boda de la pat es el dia 21 de sept, en el templo creo q a las 7 y luego en el centro de estaca a las 8..algo asi, pero si vas a uno de mis older blogs, tengo la invitacion ahi, y al hacer la foto grande, la puedes leer....vas a ir???? tendrias q ir, pa vernos...
y yo te compro las white strips si kieres....son como unos 100 dolares, q son 70 euros, asi q si de precio te compensa q te las lleve yo te las compro, ok???