Saturday, March 2, 2013

the things one learns at a party

I got to go sing at a party last night at UBC.
I was the performer, but I found myself being the spectator :)
The scene was fascinating!
It's been too long since I was "wild" and single, and went to parties, got to flirt with boys... all that fun stuff, right?  yeah right :) I'm so glad I'm over that! 
Well... as in times before I felt I was the only one girl there who had some sense of decorum. I always feel like I should go and talk to the girls and tell them they're beautiful  that they don't have to show their whole bodies to look beautiful and to be attractive. I mean, these are smart girls, educated girls, young girls, beautiful girls... many of them involved in charity work and community service.... they have a lot to offer.... they just seem to think they have their whole bodies to offer!
I always end up feeling so sad.
If only they could know! 
I bet no one has ever told them about deep beauty, about self worth, about virtue!
I feel so empowered by the knowledge I have of who I am. Of my divine nature.
I love to be a woman!
I think women of the church are the luckiest women on earth to be reminded, to be taught, to feel of our great power and influence.
I hope all women, especially young women, develope the sense of value. Value for who they are.  Value of deep beauty.
Value of virtue.
And I hope this can help!

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