Friday, May 22, 2009

Volando voy...volando vengo

Aqui estoy, a las 4 de la tarde sentada escribiendo y comiendome una lata de atun a secas... q poca gracia.... Y para colmo es lo primero q como en todo el dia ( ok, admito haberme zampado un kit kat!)
He estado todo el dia TODO el dia metiendo cosas en cajas. Me ha entrado el estress!!!
Lo primero que he hecho cuando me he levantado es meterme en internet a ver si ya por fin de los por fines tenia el dinero disponible en mi cuenta para comprar los billetes... Y SI!! asi q me compre los billetes para irme a Espanya!!! Y para mi sorpresa me han costado casi $700 mas baratos q lo que me hubieran costado ayer.
Tb me ha llamdo mi suegra esta manyana. Nos vamos a mudar a la casa donde estaban viviendo mis suegros!!! Ellos han encontrado una casita cerquita de donde esta el Templo de Vancouver, alli perdida en el campo. Asi q de lujo. Ya ha ido ella a hablar con el director del cole, que esta al ladito de la casa, para indagar q tal es el cole ese para mi Carmen.
Estas buenas nuevas nos vienen como caidas del cielo. Solo que ahora nos mudamos el 1 de Junio y yo q me creia que iba a estar de relax y no me iba a tocar nada de la mudanza.... pues me toca dejarlo todo TODO listo para el 26 ( el dia antes de irme a Espanya).
En fin... q estoy como loca. De contenta y de estresada... pero mas feliz que una perdiz, amigas.... Q Dios a veces ahoga un poquitin... pero solo aprieta, solo aprieta :D

Friday, May 8, 2009

*** My Girls***

I love seeing Carmen being a little mommy. She loves Isabel so very much and she tells her often. And if Isabel could talk she would tell her too.
I am so happy to have them. Carmen is such a great big sister. She's been reading and writing for the last couple of months. Everybody is so impressed... and I, of course, am really proud!
She is very smart. She memorized her first scripture. John 3:16.
She is the cutest little girl.
She comes to me and tells me that she has a present for me. Then she kisses me and says: LOOOOOOOOOOOve!!
Or I love when she randomly comes and tells me that she loves me.
She is adorable.
Isabel is growing really fast. She's been rolling for a bit now. She's starting to push herself, but she doesn't move forward, just spins in circles :D
She's started to roar... it's really cute, and she laughs all the time... she's such a happy baby.
I have begun the weening process. She is teething and wanted to be on the boob ALL the time. So she is taking the bottle no problem. I only nurse her in the morning and at night.... so my chest is in a little bit of pain sometimes :S
Here are some pictures of my beautiful girls

I caught her saying HELLO!

Carmen being a poser...that's what she does best :D