i realized it's been 10 years since one of the most defining moments in my life.
of course i look back in wonder.
i entered this temple ( Madrid, Spain) for the first time in my life.
a moment to make sacred covenants.
a moment of learning, of immense joy and testimony.
i thought i had a testimony before, but right then, there was NO doubt in my mind.
that experience transformed me forever.
a couple of weeks later i entered this other temple (Preston, England).
that time as an ordained missionary of Jesus Christ.
that's all i can say.
another experience that was out of this world.
it was the experience of my life.
nothing like 18 months of your life to share eternal truth to the world.
it's been 10 years.
10 years ago i was embarking in the most amazing journey.
the start of covenant making in my life.
i'll be forever grateful to my God for everything that led me to make that decision to serve Him.
it continues to be a blessing everyday of my life.
in january will be 8 years since i made the most important covenant in this other temple (Seattle, WA, USA).
this time it was marrying the love of my life and being sealed to him for all eternity.
our love, only through this covenant, is ETERNAL.
last saturday i was able to attend this other temple ( Vacouver, BC, Canada).
i feel so blessed.
we are so blessed to have temples.
we were there to perform covenants in proxy for Evan's grandma.
some of his family was there.
when we were sitting in the peace of the celestial room, i looked around.
his brother, two sisters, and his aunt and uncle were there.
his aunt heather and uncle dennis are some of the most special people i've ever met.
"you're so lucky" i whispered to him.
tears rolled down my cheek as i thought of my uncle Pablo that just passed away.
one day we'll do the work for him.
one day, i hope, i can sit with members of my family, being united to them throughout all eternitties.
that's the beauty of temples.
that's the beauty of the Savior.
that's the beauty of the restored Gospel.
i have no doubt in my mind where to find truth.
click here.